Книга: ESP8266: Programming NodeMCU Using Arduino IDE - Get Started With ESP8266 (Internet Of Things, IOT, Projects In Internet Of Things, Internet Of Things for Beginners, NodeMCU Programming, ESP8266)
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Дальше: Chapter 2: Moving Toward A Smarter Internet – The Internet Of Things


Introduction To Programming with NodeMCU using Arduino IDE




Welcome to Getting Started With ESP8266, Programming NodeMCU Using Arduino IDE!

This book is written for the ones who long to learn more about The Internet Of Things. If you are a student or an IOT beginner looking forward to a crash course on this subject, this book can aid you. Internet Of Things is generally abbreviated as IOT. You might have noticed that these days everyone keeps talking about IOT and it is said to be the most advanced Technology.

But what exactly is IOT? The answer is simple. IOT is the next big step in automation technology. In a layman’s language, IOT is basically controlling all the things that are possible through Internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of everyday objects — physical things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity enabling data exchange. Basically, a little networked computer is attached to a thing, allowing information exchange to and from that thing.

Be it light bulbs, toasters, refrigerators, flower pots, watches, fans, planes, trains, automobiles, or anything else around you, a little networked computer can be combined with it to accept input (esp. object control) or to gather and generate informational output (typically object status or other sensory data).

This means computers will be permeating everything around us — ubiquitous embedded computing devices, uniquely identifiable, interconnected across the Internet. Because of low-cost, networkable micro-controller modules, the Internet of Things is really starting to take off.

Let’s dive a bit deeper into learning about what exactly is IOT and its benefits in our day to day lives, then in further chapters we’ll learn how we can program NodeMCU using Arduino IDE.

Дальше: Chapter 2: Moving Toward A Smarter Internet – The Internet Of Things