Книга: Смертельно опасный выбор. Чем борьба с прививками грозит нам всем
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Эпидемия кори во всем мире: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Measles Outbreaks in the United States: Public Health Preparedness, Control and Response in Healthcare Settings and the Community, http://www.aab.org/aab/Measles_-_CDC.asp; R. G. Lin II, Rise in Measles Cases Worries Health Officials, Los Angeles Times, May 2, 2008; S. van den Hof, M. A. E. Conyn-van Spaendonck, and J. E. Van Steenbergen, Measles Epidemic in the Netherlands, 1999–2000, Journal of Infectious Diseases 186 (2002): 1483–1486.
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