Книга: 30 Awesome Projects With The Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Zero: Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Zero Ideas For Hobbies
Назад: 1. Make the Raspberry Pi three 10mm dilutant
Дальше: 3. Build a Correct Desktop Laptop / PC


You can use the Raspberry Pi Zero to create a small television camera. Devised by Wayne Keenan, the PiCorder uses a Pimoroni HyperPixel screen, Pi Zero camera module, and 0 LiPo and LiPo battery pack.

With slightly of attachment, you've got the hardware gimmick able to go. All you wish then is to put in the HyperPixel driver on the Pi, and you're able to record. The HyperPixel additionally sports a touchscreen, thus you'll be able to add a graphical program to manage it higher if you wish.

What it might do with, perhaps, could be a case to shield the parts. that might be an additional project for anyone trying to create a camera like this.

Назад: 1. Make the Raspberry Pi three 10mm dilutant
Дальше: 3. Build a Correct Desktop Laptop / PC
