Книга: Best Arduino Automation Project: Arduino Project Ideas for Automated System
Назад: 7. Touch Display: Game "Flappy Bird"
Дальше: CODE

The "flappy" item is placed in a hard and fast role at the X-axis even as actions are carried out via shifting the Y-axis.


All descriptions can be illustrated in the original Java IDE or Greenfoot tasks. all of the identical love of the Arduino TFT show.

when you contact the keys or the display item, Flappy movements to -10 px Y-axis. boundaries appear. Flappy both receives in contact with an impediment or exits from the world that's dictated through the edges of the display display. the sport is stopped while Flappy stops and the message "recreation OVER" and an finished rating are displayed.


Of direction, the contact show may be revealed and messages along with group call or message, press.


Назад: 7. Touch Display: Game "Flappy Bird"
Дальше: CODE