Книга: Best Arduino Automation Project: Arduino Project Ideas for Automated System
Назад: Step 4: Download 1sheeld Library
Дальше: Step 6: Add The Code

Open arduino IDE then copy and paste this code.

The code is based totally on 10 easy analogWrite instructions.

i am now not a good programmer at all, i'm still in 11th grade and should deal with my academics/college so I cant spend an awful lot time gaining knowledge of coding, there may be lot of errors inside the application and i will surprisingly appreciate the tips for development. The code just beneath is the correct working, do no longer use the older one.

#include <OneSheeld.h>

int ledPin1 = 11;

float xOrientation;

void setup() {

/* Start communication. */




void loop() {

// Check X-axis orientation.

xOrientation = OrientationSensor.getX();

// Map orientation to brightness

if(xOrientation < 102) analogWrite(ledPin1,xOrientation * 2.5);

// Or turn off the LED if the orientation is > 125 degrees

else analogWrite(ledPin1, 0);


Назад: Step 4: Download 1sheeld Library
Дальше: Step 6: Add The Code