Книга: Best Arduino Automation Project: Arduino Project Ideas for Automated System
Назад: 4. Power Saving with Arduino
Дальше: 2. Programming Attiny with Arduino

The device is built the usage of an Attiny84 microcontroller, an RGB LED for reputation, 2 push switches for person placing and reset, one n-MOSFET for electricity manage, a few bypass capacitors, resistors and a opposite polarity safety diode.


working voltage variety is three volts to six volts, making it ideal for 2/three/4 AA or AAA battery-powered / USB-powered / single cell LiPo-powered (with/with out sun) answers viable.


strength may be input via Screw Terminal Blocks and strength may be fed to outside circuits via Screw Terminal Blocks/USB girl port making it a plug-n-play answer for any development Board.


Назад: 4. Power Saving with Arduino
Дальше: 2. Programming Attiny with Arduino