Книга: Best Arduino Automation Project: Arduino Project Ideas for Automated System
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Дальше: 1. Three Phase Motor Wiring

Layout and take a look at a manipulate device for a provider raise working for four floors. The microcontroller (ATMega2560) is used to decide which contactor to provide strength for you to set off the carry motor to transport the raise up or down by means of checking the floor the lift is currently at. The control gadget ought to be additionally capable of prevent the energy to the lift whilst it has reached the desired floor. An integral safety factor must be implemented to continually close the lift door earlier than transferring up or down. The manage device is successfully able to determine which contactor wishes to be powered which will circulate the elevate to the desired ground. The gadget is able to manipulate the protection carry door motor for you to near the door whilst the elevate wishes to transport and open the door automatically while it has reached the specified ground.

Назад: Best Arduino Automation Project
Дальше: 1. Three Phase Motor Wiring