Книга: OpenMV Development Workshop
Назад: 2.3 Connecting OpenMV board to Computer
Дальше: 2.5 Updating and Erasing Program

2.4 Hello OpenMV: Blinking LED

In this section, we build a blinking LED program using Blink program via OpenMV IDE. OpenMV board provides onboard LED.

Let's start to write our Blink program by creating a new file on OpenMV IDE. Then, write the following scripts:

import time from pyb import LED  led = LED(1) # red led print('Demo blinking...')  while 1:     print('on')     led.on()     time.sleep(1000)     print('off')     led.off()     time.sleep(1000) 

We use object LED to work with onboard LEDs. The following is onboard LEDs on OpenMV board:


Now you can run the program by clicking green arrow on the left-bottom.


After connected to OpenMV, we shoul see a green arrow. It's used to run the program.


You can see program output on Serial Terminal that is shown in Figure below.


You also see blinking RED led.


Назад: 2.3 Connecting OpenMV board to Computer
Дальше: 2.5 Updating and Erasing Program

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