Книга: Ритм Вселенной. Как из хаоса возникает порядок
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Dick Milne, “Govt. blows your tax $$ to study fireflies in Borneo: Not a bright idea!” National Enquirer (May 18, 1993), p. 23.


Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson, “The synchronization of periodic routing messages,” IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking 2 (1994), pp. 122–136.


Анонимный автор, “Lighting the way. Tuberculosis sufferers are getting glowing help from the firefly,” Time (May 17, 1993), p. 25. Эта статья базируется на исследовании W. R. Jacobs et al., “Rapid assessment of drug susceptibilities of mycobacterium-tuberculosis by means of luciferase reporter phages,” Science 260 (1993), pp. 819–822.
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