Книга: Положение о браке в новом каноническом законодательстве
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Выступл. перед членами Св. Суда «Рота Романа» (03. 10. 1941): A.A.S. 33 (1941), р. 426.


Свящ. Конгр. св. служ. (02. 06. 1962): «In a letter dated 22 June, 1962, Your Excellence asked whether word of the dissolution of marriage, in favour of the Faith, must be given to the respondent in each case, even though (a) the latter has not cooperated or has testified reluctantly or has indicated that he has no interest in the outcome of the case, or (b) such notification might beget odium towards the Church or serious difficulties for the petitioner. In reply, the Holy Office has decreed as follows: ‘Gratia intellegitur communicanda iuxta prudens iudicium Ordinarli’» (A. Card. Ottaviani). Cm. The Jurist 23 (1963), p. 117.
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