Книга: Революция сна: Как менять свою жизнь ночь за ночью
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Fitzgerald, email to the author.


Joe-Ann McCoy, «Lavender: History, Taxonomy, and Production,» NC Herb, 1999, .


George T. Lewith, Anthony D. Godfrey, and Philip Prescott, «A Single-Blinded, Randomized Pilot Study Evaluating the Aroma of Lavandula Augustifolia as a Treatment for Mild Insomnia,» Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 11 (2005): 631–37; C. Alford, L. Austin, T. Bachel, E. Bulbrooke, E. Taylor, and G. Lewith, «Preliminary Investigations of the Use of Aromatherapy for Treating Mild to Moderate Insomnia,» Abstracts: European Sleep Research Society Annual Meeting (Glasgow: 2009).
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