Книга: Революция сна: Как менять свою жизнь ночь за ночью
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The British Psychological Society, «Does Dreaming of Exam Failure Affect Your Real-Life Chances of Success?» Research Digest, November 4, 2014, .


Natalie Angier, «In the Dreamscape of Nightmares, Clues to Why We Dream at All,» The New York Times, October 23, 2007, .


Pablo E. Brockmann, Blanca Diaz, Felipe Damiani, Luis Villarroel, Felipe Nunez, and Oliviero Bruni, «Impact of Television on the Quality of Sleep in Preschool Children,» Sleep Medicine (2015): doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2015.06.005.
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