Книга: Angular 2 Cookbook
Назад: Composing application files for a minimum viable Angular 2 application
Дальше: Incorporating shims and polyfills into Webpack

Migrating the minimum viable application to Webpack bundling

It is advantageous for many reasons to make it as easy and quick as possible for the client to load and run the code sent from your server. One of the easiest and most effective ways of doing this is by bundling lots of code into a single file. In nearly all cases, it is highly efficient for the browser to load a single file that contains all the dependencies required to bootstrap an application.

Webpack offers many useful tools and among them is the terrific JS bundler. This recipe demonstrates how you will be able to combine your entire application (including npm package dependencies) into a single JavaScript file that the browser will be served.


The code, links, and a live example of this are available at .

Getting ready

You should have completed all the steps given in the Composing configuration files for a minimum viable Angular 2 application and Composing application files for a minimum viable Angular 2 application recipes. npm start should start up the development server, and it should be visible at localhost:3000.

How to do it...

Begin by removing the application's dependency on SystemJS. webpack is able to resolve dependencies and bundle all your files into a single JS file. Begin by installing webpack with the global flag:

 npm install webpack -g 


webpack looks for a webpack.config.js file for instructions on how to behave. Create this now:

[webpack.config.js]      module.exports = {     entry: "./app/main.js",     output: {       path: "./dist",       filename: "bundle.js"     }   };   

Nothing exceptionally complicated is going on here. This tells webpack to select main.js as the top-level application file, resolve all its dependencies to the files that define them, and bundle them into a single bundle.js inside a dist/ directory.


At this point, you can check that this is working by invoking webpack from the command line, which will run the bundler. You should see bundle.js appear inside dist/ with all the module dependencies inside it.

This is a good start, but this generated file still isn't being used anywhere. Next, you'll modify index.html to use the file:

[index.html]      <html>   <head>     <title>Angular 2 Minimum Viable Application</title>     <script src="node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js">     </script>     <script src="node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js">     </script>     <script src="dist/bundle.js">     </script>   </head>   <body>     <app-root></app-root>   </body>   </html>   

Probably not what you were expecting at all! Since bundle.js is the application entry point and SystemJS is no longer needed to resolve any modules (because webpack is already doing this for you when bundling the files), you can remove the application's dependency on SystemJS.

Since this is the case, you can remove the System dependency from your package.json and add the webpack scripts and dependency:

[package.json]      {     "name": "mva-bundling",     "scripts": {       "start": "tsc && webpack && concurrently 'npm run tsc:w'      'npm run wp:w' 'npm run lite'",       "lite": "lite-server",       "postinstall": "npm install -S @types/node @types/core-js",       "tsc": "tsc",       "tsc:w": "tsc -w",       "wp": "webpack",       "wp:w": "webpack --watch"     },     "dependencies": {       "@angular/common": "2.0.0",       "@angular/compiler": "2.0.0",       "@angular/core": "2.0.0",       "@angular/platform-browser": "2.0.0",       "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "2.0.0",       "core-js": "^2.4.1",       "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.3",       "rxjs": "5.0.0-beta.12",       "zone.js": "^0.6.23"     },     "devDependencies": {       "concurrently": "^2.2.0",       "lite-server": "^2.2.2",       "typescript": "^2.0.2",       "webpack": "^1.13.2"     }   }   

Whether or not webpack and typescript belong to devDependencies here is a matter of dispute and is largely subject to how you manage your local environment. If you've already installed them with the global flag, then you don't need to list it here as a dependency. This is because npm will search for globally installed packages and find them for you to run npm scripts. Furthermore, listing it here will install a duplicate webpack local to this project, which is obviously redundant.

For the purpose of this recipe, it is helpful to have it here. This is because you can ensure that a single npm install on the command line will fetch all the packages you need off the bat, and this will let you specify the version you want within the project.

Now, when you execute npm start, the following occurs:

  • TypeScript does an initial compilation of .ts files into .js files.
  • Webpack does an initial bundling of all the JS files into a single bundle.js in the dist/ directory.
  • Simultaneously, lite-server is started, the TypeScript compiler watcher is started, and the Webpack watcher is started. Upon a .ts file change, TypeScript will compile it into a .js file, and Webpack will pick up that file change and rebundle it into bundle.js. The lite-server will see that bundle.js is changed and reload the page, so you can see the changes being updated automatically.


Without specifying the configurations more closely, the TypeScript, Webpack, and the lite-server file watch lists will use their default settings, which may be too broad and therefore would watch files they do not care about. Ideally, TypeScript would only watch .ts files (which does this with your tsconfig.json), Webpack would only watch .html, .js, and .css files, and lite-server would only watch the files it actually serves to the client.

See also

  • Incorporating shims and polyfills into Webpack gives you a handy way of managing Angular 2 polyfill dependencies
  • HTML generation with html-webpack-plugin shows you how you can configure an npm package to add compiled files to your HTML automatically
Назад: Composing application files for a minimum viable Angular 2 application
Дальше: Incorporating shims and polyfills into Webpack

thank you
cant read the code since it is all on a single line. Also this comments section is russian
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