Книга: Angular 2 Cookbook
Назад: Utilizing component lifecycle hooks
Дальше: Configuring mutual parent-child awareness with ViewChild and forwardRef

Referencing a parent component from a child component

In the course of building an application, you may encounter a scenario where it would be useful to reference a parent component from a child component, such as to inspect member data or invoke public methods. In Angular 2, this is actually quite easy to accomplish.


The code, links, and a live example of this are available at .

Getting ready

Suppose you begin with the following ArticleComponent:

[app/article.component.ts]      import {Component} from '@angular/core';      @Component({     selector: 'article',     template: `       <feedback [val]="likes"></feedback>     `   })   export class ArticleComponent {     likes:number = 0;          incrementLikes():void {       this.likes++;     }   }   

Your objective is to implement the feedback component so that it displays the number of likes passed to it, but the parent component controls the actual like count and passes that value in.

How to do it...

Begin by implementing the basic structure of the child component:

[app/feedback.component.ts]      import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';      @Component({     selector: 'feedback',     template: `       <h1>Number of likes: {{ val }}</h1>       <button (click)="likeArticle()">Like this article!</button>     `   })   export class FeedbackComponent {     @Input() val:number;          likeArticle():void {}   }   

So far, none of this should sound surprising. Clicking on the button invokes an empty method, and you want this method to invoke a method from the parent component. However, you currently lack a reference to do this. Listing the component in the child component constructor will make it available to you:

[app/feedback.component.ts]      import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';   import {ArticleComponent} from './article.component';      @Component({     selector: 'feedback',     template: `       <h1>Number of likes: {{ val }}</h1>       <button (click)="like()">Like this article!</button>     `   })   export class FeedbackComponent {     @Input() val:number;     private articleComponent:ArticleComponent;          constructor(articleComponent:ArticleComponent) {       this.articleComponent = articleComponent;     }          like():void {       this.articleComponent.incrementLikes();     }   }   

With a reference to the parent component now available, you are easily able to invoke its public method, namely incrementLikes(). At this point, the two components should communicate correctly.

How it works...

Very simply, Angular 2 recognizes that you are injecting a component that is typed in the same way as the parent, and it will provide that parent for you. This is the full parent instance, and you are free to interact with it as you would normally interact with any component instance.


Notice that it is required that you store a reference to the component inside the constructor. Unlike when you inject a service, the child component will not automatically make the ArticleComponent instance available to you as this.articleComponent; you need to do this manually.

There's more...

An astute developer will notice that this creates a very rigid dependency from the child component to the parent component. This is indeed the case, but not necessarily a bad thing. Often, it is useful to allow components to more easily interact with each other at the expense of their modularity. And generally, this will be a judgment call on your part.

See also

  • Passing members from a parent component into a child component goes through the basics of downward data flow between components
  • Registering handlers on native browser events demonstrates how you can easily attach behavior to browser events
  • Generating and capturing custom events using EventEmitter details how to propagate information upwards between components
  • Configuring mutual parent-child awareness with ViewChild and forwardRef instructs you on how to properly use ViewChild to reference child component object instances
  • Configuring mutual parent-child awareness with ContentChild and forwardRef instructs you on how to properly use ContentChild to reference child component object instances
Назад: Utilizing component lifecycle hooks
Дальше: Configuring mutual parent-child awareness with ViewChild and forwardRef

thank you
cant read the code since it is all on a single line. Also this comments section is russian
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Two reviewers extracted data and assessed methodological quality independently lasix torsemide conversion Many others were in that space already