Книга: Новые и старые войны. Организованное насилие в глобальную эпоху
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Kalyvas Stathis N. «New» and «old» civil wars: a valid distinction? // World Politics. 2001. Vol.54. P.99-118; De Graajf Bob. The wars in Former Yugoslavia in the 1990s: Bringing the state back // Angstrom Jan, Duyvesteyn Isabelle. The Nature of Modem War: Clausewitz and his Critics Revisited. Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College, Department of War Studies, 2003; Mellow Patrick A. Review Article: In search of new wars: The debate about the transformation of war // European Journal of International Relations. 2010. Vol.16. P.297; Berdal Mats. How «new» are «new wars»? Global economic change and the study of civil war // Global Governance. 2003. Vol.9. P.477-502.
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