Книга: Захватчики: Люди и собаки против неандертальцев
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Shipman P. Do the Eyes Have It? American Scientist. 100,198–201.


W. Kelly, «Pogo», .


Shipman P. The Animal Connection. New York: Norton, 2012.


Flannery T., Burney D. Fifty Millennia of Catastrophic Extinctions after Human Contact // Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 20. 2005, 395–401.


Там же, с. 395.


Martin P., Wright H. Pleistocene Extinctions. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1967.


Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth/Estes J., Terborgh J., Brashares J. et al. // Science. 333. 2011. P. 301–306.


Davidson I. Peopling the Last New Worlds: The First Colonisation of Sahul and the Americas Quaternary International. 285. 2013. P. 1–29; Looking for the Archaeological Signature in Australian Megafaunal Extinctions Field J., Wroe S., Trueman C. et al. Quaternary Internationally. 2013. P. 76–88; Wroe S., Field J., Grayson D. Megafaunal Extinctions: Climate, Humans and Assumptions Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 21. 2006. P. 51–52.
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