Книга: Захватчики: Люди и собаки против неандертальцев
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B. Hockett and J. Haws, «Nutritional Ecology and the Human Demography of Neandertal Extinction,» Quaternary International 137 (2005): 21–34, doi: 10.1016/j. quaint. 2004.11.017; B. Hockett, «The Consequence of Middle Paleolithic Diets on Pregnant Neandertal Women,» Quaternary International 264 (2011): 78–82; L. Dalen, L. Orlando, B. Shapiro et al., «Partial Genetic Turnover in Neanderthals: Continuity in the East and Population Replacement in the West,» Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (2012): 1893–1897.
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