Книга: Психология сознания
Назад: Глава 8
Дальше: Глава10

Глава 9

Kanwisher. N. (2001). Neural events and perceptual awareness. Cognition , 79 , 89–113.
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Rees, G. (2007). Neural correlates of the contents of visual awareness in humans. Philosophical Transactions o/tlw Royal Society of London , Series B. 36 , 877–886.
Revonsuo. A. (2006). Inner presence: Consciousness as a bidogical phenomenon. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Silvanto. J., Cowey. A., Lavie, N., & Walsh. V. (2005). Striate cortex (V1) activity gales awareness of motion. Nature Neuroscienee , 8 , 143.
Назад: Глава 8
Дальше: Глава10