Книга: Психология масс
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Psychology Today. 1988. June. P. 40–42.


См., например: Kasschau P. Political Alienation in a Sample of Young Mexican Children. // Sociology anc Social Research. 1976, № 30. P. 37–45.


См., например: The Peace Movement in Europe and the United Sates. L., Sidney, 1985.


См., например, такие работы последних десятилетий, как: Davies Y. Human Nature in Politics. The Dynamics of Political Behaviour. Westport, 1972; Brinton M. The Irrational in Politics. Montreal, 1974; Human Needs and Politics. N. Y., 1977; Braun K. Einfuhrung in die politische Psychologie. Bern, 1980; GunnellJ. Y. Between Philosophy and Politics: the Alienation of Masses. Amherst, 1986; Political Psychology: Contemporary Problems and Issues. San Francisco, L, 1986; и др.
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