Книга: Мотивация и личность
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Ссылки на мистицизм см. в работах: Aldous Huxley, The perennial philosophy, 1944, и William James, The varieties of religious experience, 1958.


В главе представлен ряд теоретических выводов, сделанных на основании исследования роли самоуважения и безопасности для организации человеческой личности. Эти исследования также отражены в следующих публикациях:
The authoritarian character structure,/ Social Psychol, 1943,18, 401–411.
A clinically derived test for measuring psychological security-insecurity,/ Gen. Psychol., 1945,33, 21–51 (with E. Birsh, E. Stein, and I. Honigmann). Published by Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto, Calif., 1952.
Comments on Prof. McClelland's paper. In M. R.Jones (ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1955, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1955.
The dominance drive as a determiner of the social and sexual behavior of infra-human primates, I, II, III, IV,J. Genet. Psychol., 1936,48, 261–277; 278–309 (with S. Flanzbaum); 310–338; 1936,49, 161–198. Dominance-feeling, behavior, and status, Psychol. Rev., 1937,44, 404–429. Dominance-feeling, personality, and social behavior in women,/ Social Psychol., 1939, 10, 3-39. Dominance-quality and social behavior in infra-human primates,/. Social Psychol., 1940, 11, 313–324. The dynamics of psychological security-insecurity, Character and Pers., 1942, 10, 331–344. Individual psychology and the social behavior of monkeys and apes, Int. J. Individ. Psychol., 1935,1,47–59. Liberal leadership and personality, Freedom, 1942, 2, 27–30.
Some parallels between the dominance and sexual behavior of monkeys and the fantasies of patients in psychotherapy,/ Nervous Mental Disease, 1960, 131, 202–212 (with H. Rand and S. Newman). Self-esteem (dominance-feeling) and sexuality in women,/ Social Psychol., 1942, 16, 259–294. A test for dominance-feeling (self-esteem) in women,/ Social Psychol., 1940, 12, 255–270.
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