Приведу иллюстрацию с вселением нового клиента в отель Гильберта. Она позаимствована из книги «Proofs from THE BOOK», выпущенной издательством Springer в 1998 году и переизданной в 2001 году. Авторы: Martin Aigner и Günter M. Ziegler. Мелкая цитата из предисловия авторов к этой книге: "Paul Erdös liked to talk about The Book, in which God maintains the perfect proofs for mathematical theorems, following the dictum of G. H. Hardy that there is no permanent place for ugly mathematics. Erdös also said that you need not believe in God but, as mathematician, you should believe in The Book. We have no definition or characterization of what constitutes a proof from The Book: all we offer here is the examples that we have selected, hoping that our readers will share our enthusiasm about brilliant ideas, clever insights and wonderful observations. We also hope that our readers will enjoy this despite the imperfections of our exposition. The selection is to a great extent influenced by Paul Erdös himself." Вот главу "Множества, функции и гипотеза континуума" эта иллюстрация и открывает. — E.G.A.