Книга: Поражения, которых могло не быть
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Smith Malcolm. Planning and Building the British Bomber Force, 1934–1939 // The Business History Review. Vol. 54.1980. Spring. No. 1. P. 48.


Лиддел Гарт Б.Г. Вторая мировая война. М.: ACT; СПб.: TerraFantastica, 1999.


Лиддел Гарт Б.Г. Вторая мировая война. М.: ACT; СПб.: TerraFantastica, 1999.


Williamson К. The air defence of the United Kingdom //Journal of the Royal Society of Arts.Vol. 131.1983. Oct. No. 5327. P. 686–690.


KirbyM. and Capey R. The Air Defence of Great Britain, 1920–1940: An Operational Research Perspective // The Journal of the Operational Research Society.Vol. 48.1997. Jun. No. 6. P. 557.
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