Книга: Поражения, которых могло не быть
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Desmond Williams. Negotiations Leading to the Anglo-Polish Agreement of 31 March 1939, part II, Irish Historical Studies, v. X, no. 38, Dublin, September 1956, p. 187. For Polish views as reported from Warsaw by French ambassador Leon Noel, see: D. 289 of 17 May 1939, Documents Diplomatiques Frangais (henceforth DDF), 2nd ser. v. XVI, p. 196. For a spirited agreement with the Polish point of view by a few members of the Foreign Office, see F.O. memorandum on Danzig, 5 May 1939, Documents on British Foreign Policy (henceforth DBFP), 3rd. ser. v. VI, appendix II.
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