Книга: Траблы с Европой. Почему Евросоюз не работает, как его реформировать и чем его заменить
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См.: R. J. Barro (1991) Small is beautiful, Asian Wall Street Journal, October 11; A. Alesina and E. Spolaore (2003) The Size of Nations, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; J. Erickson (2004) Size matters, review of The Size of Nations by A. Alesina & E. Spolaore, SAIS Review of International Affairs, 24(2); G. S. Becker (2005) Response on small is beautiful, Becker-Posner blog, 22 April and Why small has become beautiful, Becker-Posner blog, 17 April; A. Alesina, I. Angeloni and L. Schuknecht (2001) What Does the European Union Do? NBER Working Paper 8647, Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
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