Книга: На Крыльях Надежды: Поэзия
Назад: Man Of Many Names
Дальше: А слоны не умеют летать


The webs of past are thick to hack,
And maze of life is cold and dark,
There are no torches on its walls …
You wander by without goals.


Ancestors’ bones all lie below …
You'll end like them, of this you know.
What is the meaning of your road?
You are destined to die and rot.


The slime on walls became your food -
It is edible, but no good,
The veil of darkness is your cloak,
And heart resembles walls of rock.


The pits on floor possess no threat -
To fall in them you will be glad,
And with this maze you've formed band …
But you're still standing where you stand.


The walls of past are thick to hack,
But you will have to make a brack
And to destroy them once for all …
For this is only worthy goal.


My words may help you on this path …
I am not first, I am not last,
For your new life I am the lawyer,
But some still see me as destroyer.


And when it's cold, and when it's dark,
I may become short-living spark …
From time to time, when need is dire,
I shall become a Purifier.


I'll burn to dust those foul webs,
I'll kill all spiders with sword's stabs,
I shall become a distant light
Who guides to exit, shining bright.


And when the maze is left behind,
Screw up your eyes to not be blind,
For rising sun you'll see on fore …
And from this time I'll be no more.


Назад: Man Of Many Names
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