Книга: Век самопознания. Поиски бессознательного в искусстве и науке с начала XX века до наших дней
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Gombrich, E., and D. Eribon Looking for Answers: Conversations on Art and Science. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
Kandel, E. R. In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind. New York: W. W. Norton, 2006. [Рус. пер.: Кандель Э. В поисках памяти: возникновение новой науки о человеческой психике. М.: АСТ: CORPUS, 2012.]
Schorske, C. E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1981.
Zuckerkandl, B. Ich erlebte 50 Jahre Weltgeschichte. Stockholm: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1939. Англ. пер.: Szeps, B. My Life and History. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1939.
Глава 1. Взгляд вовнутрь:
Вена на рубеже XIX–XX веков
Alexander, F. Sigmund Freud: 1856–1939 // Psychosomatic Medicine 2 (1) 1940: 68–73.
Ash, M. The Emergence of a Modern Scientific Infrastructure in the Late Habsburg Era. Center for Austrian Studies. University of Minnesota, 2010.
Belter, S., ed. Rethinking Vienna 1900. New York: Berghan Books, 2001.
Bilski, E. P., and E. Braun Ornament and Evolution: Gustav Klimt and Zuckerkandl / In: Gustav Klimt: The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collections. R. Price, ed. New York: Neue Galerie, Prestel Publishing, 2007.
Braun, E. The Salons of Modernism / In: Jewish Women and Their Salons: The Power of Conversation. Bilski, E. P., and E. Braun, eds. New Haven: The Jewish Museum and Yale University Press, 2005.
Broch, H. Hugo von Hofmannsthal and His Time: The European Imagination 1860–1920. M. P. Steinberg, editor & translator. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.
Cernuschi, C. Re/Casting Kokoschka: Ethics and Aesthetics, Epistemology and Politics in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. Plainsboro, NJ: Associated University Press, 2002.
Coen, D. R. Vienna in the Age of Uncertainty: Science, Liberalism, and Private Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.
Comini, A. Gustav Klimt. New York: George Braziller, 1975.
Darwin, C. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1859.
Dolnick, E. The Clockwork Universe: Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, and the Birth of the Modern World. New York: HarperCollins, 2011.
Freud, S. Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Intro. by P. Gay. New York: W. W. Norton, 1952.
Gay, P. The Freud Reader. New York. New York: W. W. Norton, 1989.
Gay, P. Schnitzler’s Century: The Making of Middle-Class Culture 1815–1914. New York: W. W. Norton, 2002.
Gombrich, E. H. Reflections on the History of Art. R. Woodfield, ed. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1987.
Helmholtz, H. von Treatise on Physiological Optics (1910). Southall, J. P. C., editor & translator. New York: Dover, 1925.
Janik, A., and S. Toulmin Wittgenstein’s Vienna. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973.
Johnston, W. A. The Austrian Mind: An Intellectual and Social History 1848–1938. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1972.
Kallir, J. Who Paid the Piper: The Art of Patronage in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. New York: Galerie St. Etienne, 2007.
Lauder, R. Discovering Klimt / In: Gustav Klimt: The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collection. R. Price, ed. New York: Neue Galerie, Prestel Publishing, 2007. P, 13.
Leiter, B. Just cause: Was Friedrich Nietzsche “the First Psychologist”? // Times Literary Supplement, March 4, 2011: 14–15.
Lillie, S., and G. Gaugusch Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer. New York: Neue Galerie, 1984.
Mach, E. Populär-wissenschaftliche Vorlesungen. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1896.
Main, V. R. The naked truth // The Guardian, October 3, 2008.
McCagg, W. O., Jr. A History of Habsburg Jews 1670–1918. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1992.
Musil, R. The Man Without Qualities. Vol. I: A Sort of Introduction and Pseudoreality Prevails (1951). New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.
Nietzsche, F. Beyond Good and Evil (1886). New York: Prometheus Books, 1989.
Rentetzi, M. The city as a context for scientific activity: Creating the Mediziner Viertel in fin-de-si ècle Vienna // Endeavor 28 (2004): 39–44.
Robinson, P. Freud and His Critics. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993.
Schopenhauer, A. Studies in Pessimism: A Series of Essays. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1891.
Schorske, C. E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1981.
Springer, K. Philosophy and Science / In: Vienna 1900: Art, Life and Culture. C. Brandstätter, ed. New York: Vendome Press, 2006.
Taylor, A. J. P. The Habsburg Monarchy 1809–1918: A History of the Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1948.
Tögel, C. Und Gedenke die Wissenschaft auszubeulen: Sigmund Freuds Weg zur Psychoanalyse (Tübingen). 1994. Pp. 102–103.
Witcombe, C. The Roots of Modernism. What Is Art? What Is an Artist? (1997). См.: http://www.arthistory.sbc.edu/artartists/artartists.html.
Wittels, F. Freud’s scientific cradle // American Journal of Psychiatry 100 (1944): 521–528.
Zuckerkandl, B. Ich erlebte 50 Jahre Weltgeschichte. Stockholm: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1939. Англ. пер.: Szeps, B. My Life and History. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1939.
Zweig, S. The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1943.
Глава 2. Истины, не лежащие на поверхности: об истоках научной медицины
Ackerknecht, E. H. Medicine at the Paris Hospital 1794–1848. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1963.
Arika, N. Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours. New York: Ecco/HarperCollins, 2007.
Bonner, T. N. American Doctors and German Universities. A Chapter in International Intellectual Relations 1870–1914. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1963.
Bonner, T. N. Becoming a Physician: Medical Education in Britain, France, Germany, and the United States, 1750–1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Brandstätter, C., ed. Vienna 1900: Art, Life and Culture. New York: Vendome Press, 2006.
Buklijas, T. Dissection, Discipline and the Urban Transformation: Anatomy at the University of Vienna, 1845–1914. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Cambridge, 2008.
Hollingsworth, J. R., Müller, K. M., and E. J. Hollingsworth China: The end of the science superpowers // Nature 454 (2008): 412–413.
Janik, A., and S. Toulmin Wittgenstein’s Vienna. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973.
Kandel, E. R. The Contribution of the Vienna School of Medicine to the Emergence of Modern Academic Medicine. 1984.
Kink, R. Geschichte der Universität zu Wien / In: Puschmann, T. History of Medical Education. London: H. K. Lewis, 1966.
Lachmund, J. Making sense of sound: Auscultation and lung sound codification in nineteenth-century French and German medicine // Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (4) 1999: 419–450.
Lesky, E. The Vienna Medical School of the 19th Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976.
Miciotto, R. J. Carl Rokitansky. Nineteenth-Century Pathology and Leader of the New Vienna School. Johns Hopkins University. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Michigan microfilm. 1979.
Morse, J. T. Life and Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Two volumes. London: Riverside Press, 1896.
Nuland, S. B. The Doctors’ Plague: Germs, Childbed Fever, and the Strange Story of Ignac Semmelweis. New York: W. W. Norton, 2003.
Nuland, S. B. Bad medicine // New York Times Book Review, July 8, 2007.
Rokitansky, C. von Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. Braumüller & Seidel, 1846.
Rokitansky, A. M. Ein Leben an der Schwelle. Lecture. 2004.
Rokitansky, O. Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky zum 200 Geburtstag: Eine Jubiläumgedenkschrift // Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 116 (23) 2004: 772–778.
Seebacher, F. Primum humanitas, alterum scientia: Die Wiener Medizinische Schule im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Politik. Dissertation, Universität Klagenfurt, 2000.
Vogl, A. Six Hundred Years of Medicine in Vienna. A History of the Vienna School of Medicine // Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 43 (4) 1967: 282–299.
Wagner-Jauregg, J. Lebens errinnerungen Wien. Springer-Verlag, 1950.
Warner, J. H. Against the Spirit of System: The French Impulse in Nineteenth-Century American Medicine. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.
Weiner, D. B., and M. J. Sauter The city of Paris and the rise of clinical medicine // Osiris 2nd Series 18 (2003): 23–42.
Wunderlich, C. A. Wien und Paris: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Beurtheilung der gegenwärtigen Heilkunde. Stuttgart: Verlag von Ebner & Seubert, 1841.
Глава 3. Салон Берты Цуккеркандль
Braun, E. The Salons of Modernism / In: Jewish Women and Their Salons: The Power of Conversation. Bilski, E. D., and E. Braun, eds. New Haven: The Jewish Museum and Yale University Press, 2005.
Braun, E. Ornament and Evolution: Gustav Klimt and Berta Zuckerkandl / In: Gustav Klimt: The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collections. R. Price, ed. New York: Prestel Publishing, 2007.
Buklijas, T. The Politics of Fin-de-Siècle Anatomy / In: The Nationalization of Scientific Knowledge in the Habsburg Empire. Ash, M. G., and J. Surman, eds. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012.
Janik, A., and S. Toulmin Wittgenstein’s Vienna. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973.
Kallir, J. Who Paid the Piper: The Art of Patronage in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. New York: Galerie St. Etienne, 2007.
Meysels, L. O. In meinem Salon ist Österreich: Berta Zuckerkandl und ihre Zeit. Vienna: A. Herold, 1985.
Schorske, C. E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture (1961). New York: Vintage Books, 1981.
Seebacher, F. Freiheit der Naturforschung! Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky und die Wiener medizinische Schule: Wissenschaft und Politik im Konflikt. Vienna: Verlag der OAW, 2006.
Springer, K. Philosophy and Science / In: Vienna 1900: Art, Life and Culture. Brandstätter, C., ed. New York: Vendome Press, 2006.
Zuckerkandl, B. Ich erlebte 50 Jahre Weltgeschichte. Stockholm: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1939. Англ. пер.: Szeps, B. My Life and History. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1939.
Zweig, S. The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1943.
Глава 4. Истоки научной психиатрии
Auden, W. H. In Memory of Sigmund Freud / In: Another Time. New York: Random House, 1940.
Breuer, J. Die Selbststeuerung der Athmung durch den Nervus vagus. Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch – naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Vol. II. Vienna: Abtheilung, 1868. S. 909–937.
Freud, S. Letter from Sigmund Freud to Eduard Silberstein, August 14, 1878 / In: The Letters of Sigmund Freud to Eduard Silberstein, 1871–1881. Boehlich, W., ed. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1878. Pp. 168–170.
Freud, S. The Structure of the Elements of the Nervous System. Lecture // Annals of Psychiatry 5 (3) 1884: 221.
Freud, S. On Aphasia: A Critical Study. Great Britain: Imago Publishing, 1953.
Freud, S. Studies on Hysteria. New York: Basic Books, 1957.
Freud, S. Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. New York: W. W. Norton, 1952.
Freud, S. Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. New York: W. W. Norton, 1952.
Freud, S. An Autobiographical Study. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. New York: W. W. Norton, 1952.
Freud, S. The Question of Lay Analysis: Conversations with an Impartial Person. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. New York: W. W. Norton, 1950.
Gay, P. Freud: A Life for Our Time. New York: W. W. Norton, 1988.
Gay, P. The Freud Reader. New York. New York: W. W. Norton, 1989.
Gay, P. Schnitzler’s Century: The Making of Middle-Class Culture 1815–1914. New York: W. W. Norton, 2002.
Geschwind, N. Selected Papers on Language and the Brain. Holland: D. Reidel Publishing, 1974.
Jones, E. The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. Vol. III: The Last Phase: 1919–1939. New York: Basic Books, 1981.
Krafft-Ebing R. Psychopathia Sexualis, with Special Reference to Contrary Sexual Feelings. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1886.
Lesky, E. The Vienna Medical School of the 19th Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976.
Makari, G. Revolution in Mind: The Creation of Psychoanalysis. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Meynert, T. Psychiatry: A Clinical Treatise in Diseases of the Forebrain Based upon a Study of Its Structure and Function (1877). New York: Hafner Publishing, 1968.
Meynert, T. Lectures on Clinical Psychiatry (Klinische Vorlesungen über Psychiatrie). Vienna: Wilhelm Braumueller, 1889.
Rokitansky, C. Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. Germany: Braumüller & Seidel, 1846.
Sacks, O. The Other Road: Freud as Neurologist / In: Freud: Conflict and Culture. M. S. Roth, ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. Pp. 221–234.
Sulloway, F. J. Freud, Biologist of the Mind: Beyond the Psychoanalytic Legend. New York: Basic Books, 1979.
Wettley, A., and W. Leibbrand Von der Psychopathia Sexualis zur Sexualwissenschaft. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1959.
Wittels, F. Freud’s Scientific Cradle // American Journal of Psychiatry 100 (1944): 521–528.
Глава 5. Развитие психологии
на нейробиологической основе
Alexander, F. Sigmund Freud 1856 to 1939. Psychosomatic Medicine II (1940): 68–73.
Ansermet, F., and P. Magistretti Biology of Freedom: Neural Plasticity, Experience and the Unconscious. London: Karnac Books, 2007.
Brenner, C. An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis. New York: International Universities Press, 1973.
Breuer, J., und S. Freud Über den psychischen Mechanismus hysterischer Phänomene // Vorläufige Mitteilung. Neurologisches Centralblatt 12 (1893): 4–10, 43–47.
Burke, J. The Sphinx on the Table: Sigmund Freud’s Art Collection and the Development of Psychoanalysis. New York: Walker and Co., 2006.
Darwin, C. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1872.
Ellenberger, H. E. The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry. New York: Basic Books, 1970.
Exner, S. Untersuchungen über die Localisation der Functionen in der Grosshirnrinde des Menschen. Vienna: W. Braumüller, 1884.
Exner, S. Entwurf zu einer physiologischen Erklärung der psychischen Erscheinung. Leipzig und Wien, 1894.
Finger, S. Origins of Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Freud, S. On Aphasia: A Critical Study. Great Britain: Imago Publishing, 1953.
Freud, S. Charcot. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. III. Pp. 7–23.
Freud, S. Heredity and the aetiology of the neuroses // Revue Neurologique 4 (1896): 161–169.
Freud, S. The Interpretation of Dreams. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vols. IV, V. London: Hogarth Press, 1953.
Freud, S. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. VII. London: Hogarth Press, 1953. Pp. 125–243.
Freud, S. On Narcissism. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. XIV. London: Hogarth Press, 1957. Pp. 67–102.
Freud, S. The Unconscious. London: Penguin Books, 1915.
Freud, S. Beyond the Pleasure Principle / In: Gay, P. The Freud Reader. New York: W. W. Norton, 1920.
Freud, S. An Autobiographical Study. New York: W. W. Norton, 1952.
Freud, S. New Introductory Lectures in Psychoanalysis. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. XXII. New York: W. W. Norton, 1933. Pp. 3–182.
Freud, S. Some Elementary Lessons in Psychoanalysis. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. XXIII. London: Hogarth Press, 1938. Pp. 279–286.
Freud, S. Aus den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse, Briefe an Wilhelm Fließ, Abhandlungen und Notizen aus den Jahren 1887–1902. Hsrg. von Marie Bonaparte, Anna Freud und Ernst Kris, mit einer Einleitung von Ernst Kris. London, 1950.
Freud, S. The Origins of Psychoanalysis: Letters to Wilhelm Fliess. M. Bonaparte, A. Freud, and E. Kris, eds., intro. by E. Kris. New York: Basic Books, 1954.
Freud, S., and J. Breuer Studies on Hysteria. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. II. London: Hogarth Press, 1955.
Gay, P. Freud: A Life for Our Time. New York: W. W. Norton, 1988.
Gay, P. The Freud Reader. New York. New York: W. W. Norton, 1989.
Gombrich, E., and D. Eribon Looking for Answers: Conversations on Art and Science. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
James, W. The Principles of Psychology. Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press, 1890.
Jones, E. The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. Vol. II: Years of Maturity 1901–1919. London: Hogarth Press, 1955.
Kandel, E. Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and the New Biology of Mind. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2005.
Masson, J. M., ed. Complete Letters of Freud to Fliess (1887–1904). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985.
Meulders, M. Helmholtz: From Enlightenment to Neuroscience. Garey, L., translator & editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010.
Neisser, U. Cognitive Psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967.
O’Donoghue, D. Negotiations of surface: Archaeology within the early strata of psychoanalysis // Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 52 (2004): 653–671.
O’Donoghue, D. Mapping the unconscious: Freud’s topographic constructions // Visual Resources 33 (2007): 105–117.
Pribram, K. H., and M. M. Gill Freud’s “Project” Re-Assessed. New York: Basic Books, 1976.
Ramón y Cajal, S. La fine structure des centres nerveux // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 55 (1894): 444–468.
Rokitansky, C. von Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. Braumüller & Seidel, 1846.
Schliemann, H. Ilios: The City and Country of the Trojans. London: Murray, 1880.
Skinner, B. F. The Behavior of Organisms: An Experimental Analysis. New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1938.
Solms, M. Freud Returns / In: Best of the Brain from Scientific American. F. E. Bloom, ed. New York and Washington, DC: Dana Press, 2007.
Zaretsky, E. Secrets of the Soul: A Social and Cultural History of Psychoanalysis. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004.
Глава 6. Истоки динамической психологии
Brenner, C. An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis. New York: International Universities Press, 1973.
Darwin, C. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1859.
Darwin, C. The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1871.
Darwin, C. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1872.
Finger, S. Origins of Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Freud, S. Charcot. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. III. Pp. 7–23.
Freud, S. Studies on Hysteria. New York: Basic Books, 1957.
Freud, S. The Interpretation of Dreams. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vols. IV, V. London: Hogarth Press, 1953.
Freud, S. An Autobiographical Study. New York: W. W. Norton, 1924.
Freud, S. Some Elementary Lessons in Psycho-analysis. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. XXIII. New York: W. W. Norton, 1938. Pp. 279–286.
Freud, S. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. New York: W. W. Norton, 1949.
Freud, S. The Origins of Psychoanalysis: Letters to Wilhelm Fliess. M. Bonaparte, A. Freud, and E. Kris, eds., intro. by E. Kris. New York: Basic Books, 1954.
Freud, S. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. New York: Basic Books, 1962.
Gay, P. The Freud Reader. New York. New York: W. W. Norton, 1989.
Kris, A. O. Free Association: Method and Process. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.
Pankejeff, S. My Recollections of Sigmund Freud / In: The Wolf Man and Sigmund Freud. M. Gardiner, ed. London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1972.
Schafer, R. Problems in Freud’s psychology of women // Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 22 (1974): 459–485.
Schliemann, H. Ilios: The City and Country of the Trojans. London: Murray, 1880.
Wolf Man, T. How I came into analysis with Freud // Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 6 (1958): 348–352.
Глава 7. Литература в поисках глубинного смысла
Barney, E. Egon Schiele’s Adolescent Nudes within the Context of Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. 2008. См.: www.emilybarney.com/essays.html.
Bettauer, H. The City without Jews: A Novel about the Day after Tomorrow (1922). New York: Bloch Publishing, 1926.
Dukes, A. Introduction / In: Anatol, Living Hours and The Green Cockatoo. New York: Modern Library, 1917.
Freud, S. Papers in the Sigmund Freud Collection. Library of Congress Manuscript Division. Washington, DC. 1856–1939.
Freud, S. Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria / In: Collected Papers, Vol. III. E. Jones, ed. London: Hogarth Press, 1905.
Gay, P. The Freud Reader. New York. New York: W. W. Norton, 1989.
Gay, P. Freud: A Life for Our Time. New York: W. W. Norton, 1988.
Gay, P. Schnitzler’s Century: The Making of Middle-Class Culture 1815–1914. New York: W. W. Norton, 2002.
Gay, P. Modernism: The Lure of Heresy. New York: W. W. Norton, 2008. Pp. 192–193.
Jones, E. The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. Vol. III: The Last Phase: 1919–1939. New York: Basic Books, 1957.
Luprecht, M. What People Call Pessimism / In: Sigmund Freud, Arthur Schnitzler, and Nineteenth-Century Controversy at the University of Vienna Medical School. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 1991.
Schafer, R. Problems in Freud’s psychology of women // Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association 22 (1974): 459–485.
Schnitzler, A. Anatol. A Sequence of Dialogues (1896). Paraphrased for the English stage by G. Barker. Boston: Little, Brown, 1921.
Schnitzler, A. Lieutenant Gustl (1900) / In: Bachelors: Novellas and Stories. M. Schaefer, translator & editor. Chicago: Ivan Dee, 2006.
Schnitzler, A. Traumnouvelle (1925). Green Integer, 2003.
Schnitzler, A. Desire and Delusion: Three Novellas. M. Schaefer, translator & editor. Chicago: Ivan Dee, 2003.
Schorske, C. E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1981.
Yates, W. E. Schnitzler, Hofmannsthal, and the Austrian Theater. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.
Глава 8. Женская сексуальность и модерн
Bayer, A., ed. Art and Love in Renaissance Italy. New Haven: Yale University Press, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2009.
Bisanz-Prakken, M. Gustav Klimt: The Late Work. New Light on the Virgin and the Bride in Gustav Klimt / In: Gustav Klimt: The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collection. R. Price, ed. New York: Neue Galerie, Prestel Publishing, 2007.
Bogner, P. Gustav Klimt’s Geometric Compositions in Vienna 1900. Paris: Édition de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2005.
Brandstätter, C., ed. Vienna 1900: Art, Life and Culture. New York: Vendome Press, 2006.
Braun, E. Carnal Knowledge / In: Modigliani and His Models. London: Royal Academy of Arts, 2006. Pp. 45–63.
Braun, E. Ornament and Evolution: Gustav Klimt and Berta Zuckerkandl / In: Gustav Klimt: The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collection. R. Price, ed. New York: Neue Galerie, Prestel Publishing, 2007.
Cavanagh, P. The Artist as Neuroscientist // Nature 434 (2005): 301–307.
Clark, D. L. The masturbating Venuses of Raphael, Giorgione, Titian, Ovid, Martial, and Poliziano // Aurora: Journal of the History of Art 6 (2005): 1–14.
Clark, K. What Is a Masterpiece? New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992.
Comini, A. Gustav Klimt. New York: George Braziller, 1975.
Cormack, R., and M. Vassilaki, eds. Byzantium. London: Royal Academy of Arts, 2008.
Dijkstra, B. Idols of Perversity: Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-Siècle Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Elsen, A. Drawing and a New Sexual Intimacy: Rodin and Schiele / In: Egon Schiele: Art, Sexuality, and Viennese Modernism. P. Werkner, ed. Palo Alto, CA: The Society for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship, 1994.
Feyerabend, P. Science as art: A discussion of Riegl’s theory of art and an attempt to apply it to the sciences // Art &Text 12/13 (Summer 1983 – Autumn 1984): 16–46.
Freedberg, D. The Power of Images. Studies in the History and Theory of Response. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Freud, S. The Interpretation of Dreams. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vols. IV, V. London: Hogarth Press, 1953.
Freud, S. The Infantile Genital Organization (An Interpolation into the Theory of Sexuality). The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. XIX. London: Hogarth Press. Pp. 139–146.
Freud, S. The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. XIX. London: Hogarth Press. Pp. 171–180.
Goffen, R. Titian’s Women. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997.
Gombrich, E. H. Kokoschka in His Time. Lecture Given at the Tate Gallery on July 2, 1986. London: Tate Gallery Press, 1986.
Greenberg, C. Modernist Painting. Washington, DC: Forum Lectures, 1960.
Gubser, M. Time and history in Alois Riegl’s Theory of Perception // Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (2005): 451–474.
Kemp, W. Introduction / In: Riegl, A. The Group Portraiture of Holland. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1999.
Kokoschka, O. My Life. New York: Macmillan, 1971.
Lillie, S., and G. Gaugusch Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer. New York: Neue Galerie, 1984.
Natter, T. G. Gustav Klimt and the Dialogues of the Hetaerae: Erotic Boundaries in Vienna around 1900 / In: Gustav Klimt: The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collection. R. Price, ed. New York: Neue Galerie, Prestel Publishing, 2007. Pp. 130–143.
Natter, T. G., and M. Hollein The Naked Truth: Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka and Other Scandals. New York: Prestel Publishing, 2005.
Price, R., ed. Gustav Klimt: The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collection. New York: Neue Galerie, Prestel Publishing, 2007.
Ratliff, F. The influence of contour on contrast: From cave painting to Cambridge psychology // Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 75 (6) 1985: 1–19.
Rice, T. D. Art of the Byzantine Era. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985.
Riegl, A. The Group Portraiture of Holland. Intro. by W. Kemp. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1999.
Rodin, A. Art. Boston: Small, Maynard, 1912.
Schorske, C. E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1981.
Simpson, K. Viennese art, ugliness, and the Vienna School of Art History: the vicissitudes of theory and practice // Journal of Art Historiography 3 (2010): 1–14.
Utamaru, K. Picture Book: The Laughing Drinker. 2 vols. 1972. British Museum Publications, 1803.
Waissenberger, R., ed. Vienna 1890–1920. New York: Tabard Press, 1984.
Westheimer, R. The Art of Arousal. New York: Artabras, 1993.
Whalen, R. W. Sacred Spring: God and the Birth of Modernism in Fin de Siècle Vienna. Wm B. Eerdmans. Cambridge, 2007.
Whitford, F. Gustav Klimt (World of Art). London: Thames and Hudson, 1990.
Глава 9. Изображение психики в искусстве
Berland, R. The early portraits of Oskar Kokoschka: A narrative of inner life // Image [&] Narrative [e-journal], 2007. См.: http://www.imageandnarrative.be/inarchive/thinking_pictures/
Calvocoressi, R., and K. S. Calvocoressi Oskar Kokoschka, 1886–1980. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1986.
Cernuschi, C. Anatomical Dissection and Religious Identification: A Wittgensteinian Response to Kokoschka’s Alternative Paradigms for Truth in His Self-Portraits Prior to World War I / In: Oskar Kokoschka: Early Portraits from Vienna and Berlin, 1909–1914. T. G. Natter, ed. Köln: Dumont Buchverlag, 2002.
Cernuschi, C. Re/Casting Kokoschka: Ethics and Aesthetics, Epistemology and Politics in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. Plainsboro, NJ: Associated University Press, 2002.
Comenius, J. A. Orbis Sensualium Pictus (1658). Printed for S. Leacroft at the Globe. London: Charing-Cross, 1777.
Comini, A. Toys in Freud’s Attic: Torment and Taboo in the Child and Adolescent. Themes of Vienna’s Image Makers in Picturing Children / In: Construction of Childhood between Rousseau and Freud. M. R. Brown, ed. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2002.
Cotter, H. Passion of the moment: A triptych of masters // New York Times Art Review, March 3, 2009.
Dvorák, M. Oskar Kokoschka: Das Konzert. Variationen über ein Thema. Reinhold Graf Bethusy Saltzburg, Wien, Galerie Weltz 1988–2.
Freud, L. Exhibition. L’Atelier, Centre Pompidou, Paris. April 2010.
Freud, S. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. VII. London: Hogarth Press, 1953. Pp. 125–243.
Gay, P. Freud: A Life for Our Time. New York: W. W. Norton, 1988.
Gombrich, E. H. Gedenkworte für Oskar Kokoschka // Orden pour le mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste, Reden und Gedenkworte 16 (1980): 59–63.
Gombrich, E. H. Kokoschka in His Time. Lecture Given at the Tate Gallery on July 2, 1986. London: Tate Gallery, 1986.
Gombrich, E. H. The Story of Art. London, Phaidon Press, 1995.
Hoffman, D. D. Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See. New York: W. W. Norton, 1998.
Kallir, J. Who Paid the Piper: The Art of Patronage in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. New York: Galerie St. Etienne, 2007.
Kokoschka, O. My Life. New York: Macmillan, 1971.
Kramer, H. Viennese Kokoschka: Painter of the Soul, One-Man Movement // New York Observer, April 7, 2002.
Levine, M. A., Marrs, R. E., Henderson, J. R., Knapp, D. A., and M. B. Schneider The electron beam ion trap: A new instrument for atomic physics measurements // Physica Scripta T22 (1988): 157–163.
Natter, T. G., ed. Oskar Kokoschka: Early Portraits from Vienna and Berlin, 1909–1914. Köln: Dumont Buchverlag, 2002.
Natter, T. G., and M. Hollein The Naked Truth: Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka and Other Scandals. New York: Prestel Publishing, 2005.
Röntgen, W. C. Ueber eine neue Art von Strahlen (Vorläufige Mitteilung) // Sitzungsberichte der Würzburger physikalisch-medizinischen Gesellschaft 9 (1985): 132–141.
Schorske, C. E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1981.
Shearman, J. Mannerism (Style and Civilization). New York: Penguin Books, 1991.
Simpson, K. Viennese art, ugliness, and the Vienna School of Art History: The vicissitudes of theory and practice // Journal of Art Historiography 3 (2010): 1–17.
Strobl, A., and A. Weidinger Oskar Kokoschka, Works on Paper: The Early Years, 1897–1917. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1995.
Trummer, T. A Sea Ringed About with Vision: On Cryptocothology and Philosophy of Life in Kokoschka’s Early Portraits / In: Oskar Kokoschka: Early Portraits from Vienna and Berlin, 1909–1914. T. G. Natter, ed. Köln: Dumont Buchverlag, 2002.
Van Gogh, V. The Letters. M. Roskill, ed. London: Atheneum, 1963.
Werner, P. Gestures in Kokoschka’s Early Portraits / In: Oskar Kokoschka: Early Portraits from Vienna and Berlin, 1909–1914. T. G. Natter, ed. Köln: Dumont Buchverlag, 2002.
Zuckerkandl, B. Neues Wiener Journal, April 10, 1927.
Глава 10. Эротика, агрессия и страх в искусстве
Barney, E. Egon Schiele’s Adolescent Nudes within the Context of Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. 2008. См.: www.emilybarney.com/essays.html.
Blackshaw, G. The pathological body: Modernist strategising in Egon Schiele’s self-portraiture // Oxford Art Journal 30 (3) 2007: 377–401.
Brandow-Faller, M. Man, woman, artist? Rethinking the Muse in Vienna 1900 // Austrian History Yearbook 39 (2008): 92–120.
Cernuschi, C. Re/Casting Kokoschka: Ethics and Aesthetics, Epistemology and Politics in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna. Plainsboro, NJ: Associated University Press, 2002.
Comini, A. Egon Schiele’s Portraits. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1974.
Cumming, L. A Face to the World: On Self-Portraits. London: Harper Press, 2009.
Danto, A. C. Live flesh // The Nation, January 23, 2006.
Davis, M. The Language of Sex: Egon Schiele’s Painterly Dialogue. 2004. См.: http://www.michellemckdavis.com/.
Elsen, A. Drawing and a New Sexual Intimacy: Rodin and Schiele / In: Egon Schiele: Art, Sexuality, and Viennese Modernism. P. Werkner, ed. Palo Alto, CA: The Society for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship, 1994.
Kallir, J. Egon Schiele: The Complete Works. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1990, 1998.
Knafo, D. Egon Schiele: A Self in Creation. Plainsboro, NJ: Associated University Press, 1993.
Simpson, K. Viennese art, ugliness, and the Vienna School of Art History: The vicissitudes of theory and practice // Journal of Art Historiography 3 (2010): 1–14.
Westheimer, R. The Art of Arousal. New York: Artabras, 1993.
Whitford, F. Egon Schiele. London: Thames and Hudson, 1981.
Глава 11. Открытие “вклада зрителя”
Arnheim, R. Art history and the partial god // Art Bulletin 44 (1962): 75–79.
Arnheim, R. Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye. The New Version. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1974.
Ash, M. G. Gestalt Psychology in German Culture 1890–1967: Holism and the Quest for Objectivity. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Boring E. G. A History of Experimental Psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1950.
Bostrom, A., Scherf, G., Lambotte, M. C., and M. Potzl-Malikova Franz Xavier Messerschmidt, 1736–1783: From Neoclassicism to Expressionism. Neue Galerie catalog accompanying exhibition of work by Messerschmidt, September 2010 to January 2011. Italy: Officina Libraria, 2010.
Burke, J. The Sphinx on the Table: Sigmund Freud’s Art Collection and the Development of Psychoanalysis. New York: Walker and Co., 2006.
Da Vinci, L. A Treatise on Painting. London: George Bell & Sons, 1897.
Empson, W. Seven Types of Ambiguity. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1930.
Freud, S. Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. XII. Pp. 57–138.
Freud, S. The Moses of Michelangelo. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. XII. Pp. 209–238.
Frith, C. Making Up the Mind: How the Brain Creates Our Mental World. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
Gombrich, E. H. Art and Illusion. A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 1960.
Gombrich, E. H. The Image and the Eye: Further Studies in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. London, Phaidon Press, 1982.
Gombrich, E. H. Reminiscences of Collaboration with Ernst Kris (1900–1957) / In: Tributes: Interpreters of Our Cultural Tradition. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1984.
Gombrich, E. H. The Essential Gombrich: Selected Writings on Art and Culture. R. Woodfield, ed. London, Phaidon Press, 1996.
Kris, E., and E. H. Gombrich The Principles of Caricature // British Journal of Medical Psychology 17 (1938): 319–342.
Gombrich, E. H., and E. Kris Caricature. London: King Penguin Books, 1940.
Gregory, R. L., and E. H. Gombrich, eds. Illusion in Nature and Art. New York: Scribner, 1980.
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Henle, M. 1879 and All That: Essays in the Theory and History of Psychology. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
Hoffman, D. D. Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See. New York: W. W. Norton, 1998.
Kemp, W. Introduction / In: Riegl, A. The Group Portraiture of Holland. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1999. P. 1.
King, D. B., and M. Wertheimer Max Wertheimer and Gestalt Theory. New Brunswick, NJ, and London: Transaction Publishers, 2004.
Kopecky, V. Letters to and from Ernst Gombrich regarding Art and Illusion, including some comments on his notion of “schema and correction” // Journal of Art Historiography 3 (2010).
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Mamassian, P. Ambiguities and conventions in the perception of visual art // Vision Research 48 (2008): 2143–2153.
Meulders, M. Helmholtz: From Enlightenment to Neuroscience. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010.
Mitrović, B. A defense of light: Ernst Gombrich, the Innocent Eye and seeing in perspective // Journal of Art Historiography 3 (2010): 1–30.
Neisser, U. Cognitive Psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967.
Persinger, C. Reconsidering Meyer Schapiro in the New Vienna School // Journal of Art Historiography 3 (2010): 1–17.
Popper, K. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. London and New York: Routledge, 1992.
Riegl, A. The Group Portraiture of Holland. Intro. by W. Kemp. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1999.
Rock, I. Perception. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1984.
Roeske, T. Traces of psychology: The art historical writings of Ernst Kris // American Imago 58 (2001): 463–474.
Rose, L. Daumier in Vienna: Ernst Kris, E. H. Gombrich, and the politics of caricature // Visual Resources 23 (1–2) 2007: 39–64.
Rose, L. Psychology, Art, and Antifascism: Ernst Kris, E. H. Gombrich, and the Caricature Project. Fordham University Press. In press. 2011.
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Schapiro, M. Theory and Philosophy of Art: Style, Artist, and Society. New York: George Braziller, 1998.
Schorske, C. E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1981.
Simpson, K. Viennese art, ugliness, and the Vienna School of Art History: The vicissitudes of theory and practice // Journal of Art Historiography 3 (2010): 1–14.
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Wurtz, R. H., and E. R. Kandel Construction of the Visual Image / In: Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. Jessell, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Pp. 492–506.
Глава 12. Мозг как творческий аппарат
Ferretti, S. Cassirer, Panofsky, and Warburg: Symbols, Art, and History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989.
Friedlander, M. J. On Art and Connoisseurship (Von Kunst und Kennerschaft). Berlin: Bruno Cassirer Ltd., 1942.
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Handler-Spitz, E. Psychoanalysis and the aesthetic experience / In: Art and the Psyche. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985. Pp. 55–65.
Holly, M. A. Panofsky and the Foundations of Art History. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1984.
Necker, L. A. Observations on some remarkable optical phenomena seen in Switzerland, and on an optical phenomenon which occurs on viewing a figure of a crystal or geometrical solid // London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 1 (5) 1832: 329–337.
Panofsky, E. Studies in Iconology: Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1939.
Rock, I. Perception. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1984.
Rose, L. Psychology, Art and Antifascism: Ernst Kris, E. H. Gombrich, and the Caricature Project. Manuscript (2010).
Searle, J. Minds, Brains, and Science (1984 Reith Lectures). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1986.
Wittgenstein, L. Philosophical Investigations. New York: Macmillan, 1967.
Глава 13. Начало новой живописи
Gauss, C. E. The Aesthetic Theories of French Artists: 1855 to the Present. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1949.
Gombrich, E. H. The Story of Art. London: Phaidon Press, 1950.
Gombrich, E. H. Kokoschka in His Time. Lecture Given at the Tate Gallery on July 2, 1986. London: Tate Gallery Press, 1986.
Hughes, R. The Shock of the New: The Hundred-Year History of Modern Art – Its Rise, Its Dazzling Achievement, Its Fall. 2nd ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 1991.
Novotny, F. Cézanne and the End of Scientific Perspective. Excerpts / In: The Vienna School Reader: Politics and Art Historical Method in the 1930s. C. S. Wood, ed. New York: Zone Books, 2000. Pp. 379–438.
Глава 14. Обработка мозгом зрительных образов
Crick, F. The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1994.
Daw, N. How Vision Works. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Frith, C. Making Up the Mind. How the Brain Creates Our Mental World. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
Gombrich, E. H. The Image and the Eye: Further Studies in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. London, Phaidon Press, 1982.
Gregory, R. L. Seeing Through Illusions. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Hoffman, D. D. Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See. New York: W. W. Norton, 1998.
Kemp, M. The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992.
Miller, E., and J. P. Cohen An integrative theory of prefrontal cortex function // Annual Review of Neuroscience 24 (2001): 167–202.
Movshon, A., and B. Wandell Introduction to Sensory Systems / In: The Cognitive Neurosciences III. M. S. Gazzaniga, ed. Boston: MIT Press, Bradford Books, 2004. Pp. 185–187.
Olson, C. R., and C. L. Colby The Organization of Cognition / In: Principles of Neural Science. 5th ed. E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. Jessell, S. Siegelbaum, J. H. Hudspeth, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.
Wurtz, R. H., and E. R. Kandel Constructing the Visual Image / In: Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. Jessell, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Ch. 25.
Глава 15. Деконструкция зрительных образов: “строительные блоки” восприятия форм
Ball, P. Behind the Mona Lisa’s smile: X-ray scans reveal Leonardo’s remarkable control of glaze thickness // Nature 466 (2010): 694.
Changeux, J. P. Art and neuroscience // Leonardo 27 (3) 1994: 189–201.
Gilbert, C. The Constructive Nature of Visual Processing / In: Principles of Neural Science. 5th ed. E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. Jessell, S. Siegelbaum, J. H. Hudspeth, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. Ch. 25.
Hubel, D. H. Eye, Brain, and Vision. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1995.
Hubel, D. H., and T. N. Wiesel Brain and Visual Perception: The Story of a 25-Year Collaboration. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Katz, B. Stephen William Kuffler // Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 28 (1982): 225–259.
Lennie, P. Color Vision // In: Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. Jessell, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Pp. 523–547.
Livingstone, M. Vision and Art: The Biology of Seeing. New York: Abrams, 2002.
Mamassian, P. Ambiguities and conventions in the perception of visual art // Vision Research 48 (2008): 2143–2153.
McMahan, U. J., ed. Steve: Remembrances of Stephen W. Kuffler. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 1990.
Meister, M., and M. Tessier-Lavigne The Retina and Low Level Vision / In: Principles of Neural Science. 5th ed. E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. Jessell, S. Siegelbaum, J. H. Hudspeth, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. Ch. 26.
Purves, D., and R. B. Lotto Why We See What We Do: An Empirical Theory of Vision. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2003.
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Глава 16. Реконструкция видимого мира:
зрение и обработка информации
Albright, T. High-Level Vision and Cognitive Influences / In: Principles of Neural Science. 5th ed. E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. Jessell, S. Siegelbaum, J. H. Hudspeth, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. Ch. 28.
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Глава 17. Зрение высокого уровня:
восприятие лиц, рук и тел
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Глава 18. Нисходящая обработка информации
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Глава 19. Деконструкция эмоциональных
состояний: поиски базовых эмоций
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Глава 20. Передача эмоций
художественными средствами
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Глава 21. Бессознательные эмоции, сознательные чувства и их телесные проявления
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