Книга: Открыто. Как мы будем жить, работать и учиться
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Dweck C. S. Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential. – Constable & Robinson Limited, 2012. – Прим. авт.


Alfes K. et al. Creating an Engaged Workforce. – Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London, 2010; The ISR Employee Engagement Report. – Towers Perrin-ISR, 2006; Krueger J., Killham E. The Innovation Equation // Gallup Management Journal. – 2007 (Engaging Employees through times of crisis and abnormal change. Gallup Consulting); Task Force to Improve Levels of Employee Engagement. – Dept. for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2011. – Прим. авт.
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