Книга: Власть Талисмана
Назад: 1645
Дальше: 1650


103. Выдержка изThe Last Will and Testament of Sir Thomas Gresham, published in London 1765.


104. Robert Lomas, The Invisible College, Headline, London, 2001, p. 292.


105. A. Tinniswood, His Invention so Fertile: A Life of Christopher Wren, Jonathan Cape, London, 2001, p. 150.


106. MS Ashmole 242, f.78; see С. H. Josten (ed.) EliasAshmole (1617–1692) His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, His Correspondence and Other Contemporary Sources relating to his Life and Works, edited with a biographical introduction, 5 vol, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1966, vol. 3, pp. i, 112. Эта статья об Элиасе Эшмоле сопровождается астрологическим гороскопом и комментариями астролога Уильяма Лилли (см. History of Astrology, edited by Annabella Kitson, Mandala-Unwin Paperbacks, London, 1989, p. 200).
Назад: 1645
Дальше: 1650