Книга: Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters
Назад: Foreword
Дальше: Acknowledgments

and slowly work our way through raw sockets in and using Scapy in for some more interesting network tooling. The next section of the book deals with hacking web applications, starting with your own custom tooling in and then extending the popular Burp Suite in . From there we will spend a great deal of time talking about trojans, starting with GitHub command and control in , all the way through where we will cover some Windows privilege escalation tricks. The final chapter is about using Volatility for automating some offensive memory forensics techniques.

I try to keep the code samples short and to the point, and the same goes for the explanations. If you are relatively new to Python I encourage you to punch out every line to get that coding muscle memory going. All of the source code examples from this book are available at .

Here we go!

Назад: Foreword
Дальше: Acknowledgments

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