Книга: Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters
Назад: 6. Extending Burp Proxy
Дальше: 8. Common Trojaning Tasks on Windows

. Let’s get started!

] so that you can automate your interaction with your repo. You can do this from the command line by doing the following:

. Now that you have your configuration files and some simple modules to run, you’ll start building out the main trojan piece.

] are around 7MB. The only thing to note is the trojan_id variable ➊ that uniquely identifies this trojan. If you were to explode this technique out to a full botnet, you’d want the capability to generate trojans, set their ID, automatically create a configuration file that’s pushed to GitHub, and then compile the trojan into an executable. We won’t build a botnet today, though; I’ll let your imagination do the work.

Now let’s put the relevant GitHub code in place.

] Let’s create a custom loading class now by adding the following code:


] The repo where this library is hosted is here: .

[] You can check out py2exe here: .

[] An awesome explanation of this process written by Karol Kuczmarski can be found here: .

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