Книга: The Linux Command Line
Назад: Dedication
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Writer for composing the text. As it turned out, it worked wonderfully.

Next, the volunteers who helped me produce the original, freely distributable version of this book (available at ): Mark Polesky performed an extraordinary review and test of the text. Jesse Becker, Tomasz Chrzczonowicz, Michael Levin, and Spence Miner also tested and reviewed portions of the text. Karen M. Shotts contributed a lot of hours editing my original manuscript.

Next, the good folks at No Starch Press who worked long and hard making the commercial version of my book: Serena Yang, Production Manager; Keith Fancher, my editor; and the rest of the No Starch Press staff., who have sent me so many kind emails. Their encouragement gave me the idea that I was really on to something!

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