Книга: Маркетинг 3.0: от продуктов к потребителям и далее – к человеческой душе
Назад: 174
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Bielak D., Bonini S. M. J., Oppenheim J. M. CEOs on Strategy and Social Issues // The McKinsey Quarterly. – 2007. – October.


Buescher В. С., Mango P. D. Innovation in Health Care: An Interview with the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic // The McKinsey Quarterly. – 2008. – March.


Mandel М. The Real Cost of Offshoring // BusinessWeek. – 2007. – June 18.


McCreary L. What Was Privacy // Harvard Business Review. – 2008. – October.


Jonson L., Learned A. Don't Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy – and How to Increase Your Share of this Crucial Market. – New York: AMACOM, 2004.
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