Книга: Маркетинг 3.0: от продуктов к потребителям и далее – к человеческой душе
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Mendonca L. Т., Oppenheim J. Investing in Sustainability: An Interview with A1 Gore and David Blood // The McKinsey Quarterly – 2007. – May.


Willard B. The Next Sustainability Wave: Building Boardroom Buy-in. – British Columbia: New Society Publishers, 2005.


Valuing Corporate Social Responsibility 11 The McKinsey Quarterly – 2009. – February.


Kaufmann L., Reimann R, Ehrgott M., Rauer J. Sustainable Success: For Companies Operating in Developing Countries, It Pays to Commit to Improving Social and Environmental Conditions // Wall Street Journal. – 2009. – June 22.
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