Книга: Плохие бактерии, хорошие бактерии. Как повысить иммунитет и победить хронические болезни, восстановив микрофлору
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«…древний организм» (см. с. 117): Доказательства древности H. pylori: D. Falush et al., “Traces of human migration in Helicobacter pylori populations,” Science 299 (2003): 1582–85; B. Linz et al., “An African origin for the intimate association between humans and Helicobacter pylori,” Nature 445 (2007): 915–18; Y. Moodley et al., “The peopling of the Pacifi c from a bacterial perspective,” Science 323 (2009): 527–30; S. Breurec et al., “Evolutionary history of Helicobacter pylori sequences refl ect past human migrations in Southeast Asia,” PLOS ONE 6 (2011): e22058: 1–10; and Y. Moodley et al., “Age of the association between Helicobacter pylori and man,” PLOS Pathogens 8 (2012): e1002693: 1–16.
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