Книга: Цена неравенства. Чем расслоение общества грозит нашему будущему
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См.: Richard H. Thaler, «When Business Can’t Foresee Outrage», New York Times, 19.11.2011, p. BU4. См. также: Daniel Kahneman, Jack Knetsch, and Richard H. Thaler, «Fairness and the Assumptionsof Economics», Journal of Business 59, no 4 (1986): S285—300. В работе Amelie Goosens and Pierre-Guillaume Meon, «The Impact of Studying Economics, and Other Disciplines, on the Belief That Voluntary Exchange Makes Everyone Better Off», University of Brussels working paper, 2010, показаны эффекты отбора и обучения. См.: John R. Carter and Michael D. Irons, «Are Economists Different, and If So, Why?», Journal of Economic Perspectives 5, no. 2 (Spring 1991): 171–177; и Alexandra Haferkamp, Detlef Fetchenhauer, Frank Belschak and Dominik Enste, «Efficiency versus Fairness: The Evaluation of Labor Market Policies by Economists and Laypeople», Journal of Economic Psychology 30, no. 4 (August 2009): 527–539. См. также: Robert Kuttner,Everything for Sale: The Virtues and Limits of Markets (New York: Knopf, 1997); и William Lazonick, Business Organizations and the Myth of the Market Economy (New York: Cambridge University Press,1991). Для рассмотрения альтернативных перспектив см.: Bryan Caplan, «Systematically Biased Beliefs about Economics: Robust Evidence of Judgemental Anomalies from the Survey of Americans and Economists on the Economy»,Economic Journal, April 2002, pp. 433–458.
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