Книга: Круто! Как подсознательное стремление выделиться правит экономикой и формирует облик нашего мира
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Collins, Randall. 2000. “Situational stratification: A micro-macro theory of inequality.” Sociological Theory 18:17–43.


Goffman, Erving. 1967. Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior. New York: Doubleday.


Collins, 2000, “Situational stratification.”


Wolff, L.S., D. Acevedo-Garcia, S. V. Subramanian, D. Weber, and I. Kawachi. 2010. “Subjective social status, a new measure in health disparities research: Do race/ethnicity and choice of referent group matter?” Journal of Health Psychology 15:560–74; Nobles, Jenna, Miranda Ritterman Weintraub, and Nancy E. Adler. 2013. “Subjective socioeconomic status and health: Relationships reconsidered.” Social Science & Medicine 82:58–66.
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