Книга: А что, если?.. Научные ответы на абсурдные гипотетические вопросы
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Источники и ссылки

Всемирный ураган
Merlis, Timothy M., and Tapio Schneider. Atmospheric dynamics of Earth-like tidally locked aquaplanets // Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 2 (December 2010). DOI:10.3894/ JAMES.2010.2.13.
What Happens Underwater During a Hurricane?
Купание в ядерном бассейне
Behavior of spent nuclear fuel in water pool storage.
Unp lanned Exposure During Diving in the Spent Fuel Pool // SciTech Connect
Лазерна я указка
Mapping the World’s Population by Latitude, Longitude // GOOD
Периодическая стена элементов
Таблица на с. 9 (страница в печатном варианте 15, pdf-файле 15)
What if everyone jumped? // Dot Physics
If everyone in China jumped off chairs at once, would the earth be thrown out of its orbit? // Straight Dope
Моль кротов
How many habitable planets are there in the galaxy? // Disсover
Фен в ящике
Determination of Skin Burn Temperature Limits for Insulative Coatings Used for Personnel Protection
The Nuclear Potato Cannon Part 2
Последний свет человечества
Wind Turbine Lubrication and Maintenance: Protecting Investments in Renewable Energy
McComas, D. J., J. P. Carrico, B. Hautamaki, M. Intelisano, R. Lebois, M. Loucks, L. Policastri, M. Reno, J. Scherrer, N. A. Schwadron, M. Tapley, and R. Tyler. A new class of long – term stable lunar resonance orbits: Space weather applications and the Interstellar Boundary Explorer// Space Weather, 9, S11002, doi: 10.1029/2011SW000704, 2011.
Swift, G. M., et al. In-flight annealing of displacement damage in GaAs LEDs: A Galileo story // IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 50, Issue 6 (2003).
Geothermal Binary Plant Operation and Maintenance Systems with Svartsengi Power Plant as a Case Study
Пулеметный ракетный ранец
Lecture L14-Variable Mass Systems: The Rocket Equation
[2.4] Attack Flogger in Service
Равномерно вверх
Otis: About Elevators
National Weather Service: Wind Chill Temperature Index
Prediction of Survival Time in Cold Air: см. таблицы на с. 24
Linda D. Pendleton. When Humans Fly High: What Pilots Should Know About High-Altitude Physiology, Hypoxia, and Rapid Decompression.
Раздел коротких ответов
Currency in Circulation: Volume
Subject: C5c, Why don’t we try to destroy tropical cyclones by nuking them? // NOAA
Stagnation Temperature // NASA
Lightning Captured @ 7,207 Fps
Lightning: Expert Q&A // NOVA
Computation of the diameter of a lightning return stroke // JGR
Мозг и компьютер
Moore’s Law at 40
Маленькая планета
Чтобы освежить в своей памяти «Маленького принца», прокрутите к последнему разделу чудесной страницы Мэллори Ортберга
Rugescu, Radu D., and Daniele Mortari. Ultra Long Orbital Tethers Behave Highly Non-Keplerian and Unstable // WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 2008. P. 87–94.
Падающий стейк
Falling Faster than the Speed of Sound
Stagnation Temperature: Real Gas Effects
Calculation of Reentry-Vehicle Temperature History
Back in the Saddle
How to Cook Pittsburgh-Style Steaks
Хоккейная шайба
KHL’s Alexander Ryazantsev sets new ‘world record’ for hardest shot at 114 mph
Superconduc ting Magnets for Maglifter Launch Assist Sleds
Two-Stage Light Gas Guns
Hockey Vide o: Goalies, Hits, Goals, and Fights
P. Stride. The St. Kilda boat cough under the microscope // The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 2008; 38. P. 272–279.
L. Kaiser, J. D. Aubert, et al. Chronic Rhinoviral Infection in Lung Transplant Recipients // American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Vol. 174. 2006. P. 1392–1399. 10.1164/ rccm.200604-489OC
Oliver, B. G. G., S. Lim, P. Wark, V. Laza-Stanca, N. King, J. L. Black, J. K. Burgess, M. Roth, and S. L. Johnston. Rhinovirus Exposure Impairs Immune Responses To Bacterial Products In Human Alveolar Macrophages // Thorax 63, no. 6 (2008). P. 519–525.
Наполовину пустой стакан
Shatter beer bottles: Bare-handed bottle smash
Инопланетные астрономы
Douglas Adams. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. (Книга неоднократно издавалась на русском языке: Адамс Д. Автостопом по Галактике. – Прим. ред.)
A Failure of Serendipity: The Square Kilometre Array will struggle to eavesdrop on Human-like ETI
Eavesdropping on Radio Broadcasts from Galactic Civilizations with Upcoming Observatories for Redshifted 21cm Radiation
The Earth as a Distant Planet a Rosetta Stone for the Search of Earth-Like Worlds
SETI on the SKA
Gemini Planet Imager
Больше никакой ДНК
Enjalbert, Françoise, Sylvie Rapior, Janine Nouguier-Soulé, Sophie Guillon, Noël Amouroux, and Claudine Cabot. Treatmen t of Amatoxin Poisoning: 20-Year Retrospective Analysis // Clinical Toxicology 40, no. 6 (2002). P. 715–757.
Richard Eshelman. I nearly died after eating wild mushrooms // The Guardian (2010).
Amatoxin: A review
Всепланетный самолет
The Martian Chronicles
Aerial Regional-Scale Environmental Survey of Mars
Panoramic Views and Landscape Mosaics of Titan Stitched from Huygens Raw Images
New images from Titan
Да пребудет с вами Сила!
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
‘Beethoven Virus’–Musical Tesla Coils // Youtube
Beast. The 15Kw 7’ tall DR (DRSSTC 5)
Падение с помощью гелия
De Haven, H. Mechanical analysis of survival in falls from heights of fifty to one hundred and fifty feet // Injury Prevention, 6(1). P. 62–68.
Armchair Airman Says Flight Fulfilled His Lifelong Dream // New York Times, July 4, 1982.
Jason Martinez. Falling Faster than the Speed of Sound // Wolfram Blog, October 24, 2012.
Все на выход!
Project Orion: The Tr ue Story of the Atomic Spaceship
Sperm Cells Created From Human Bone Marrow
Nayernia, Karim, Tom Strachan, Majlinda Lako, Jae Ho Lee, Xin Zhang, Alison Murdoch, John Parrington, Miodrag Stojkovic, David Elliott, Wolfgang Engel, Manyu Li, Mary Herbert, and Lyle Armstrong. RETRACTION-In Vitro Derivation Of Human Sperm From Embryonic Stem Cells // Stem Cells and Development (2009): 0908w75909069.
Подробнее об этом см.: F. M. Lancaster. Genetic and Quantitative Aspects of Genealogy
Бросок вверх
A Prehis tory of Throwing Things
Chapter 9. Stone tool s and the evolution of hominin and human cognition
The unitary hypothesi s: A common neural circuitry for novel manipulations, language, plan-ahead, and throwing?
Evolution of the human hand: The role of throwing and clubbing
Errors in the control of joint rotations associated with inaccuracies in overarm throws
Speed of Nerve Impulses
Farthest Distance to Throw a Golf Ball
Смертоносные нейтрино
Karam, P. Andrew. Gamma and Neutrino Radiation Dose from Gamma Ray Bursts and Nearby Supernovae // Health Physics 82, no. 4 (2002). P. 491–99.
Лежачий полицейский
Speed bump-induced spinal column injury
Speed hump spine fractures: Injury mechanism and case series
The 2nd American Conference on Human Vibration
Speed bump in Dubai + flying Gallardo
Parker, Barry R. Aerodynamic Design // The Isaac Newton School of Driving: Physics and your car. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. P. 155.
The Myth of the 200-mp h “Lift-Off Speed”
Mercedes CLR-GTR Le Mans Flip
National Highway Transportation NHTSA. Summary of State Speed Laws. 2007.
Пропускная способность FedEx
FedEx still faster than the Internet
Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2012– 2017
Intel® Solid-State Driv e 520 Series
Trinity test press releases (May 1945)
NEC and Corning achieve petabit optical transmission
Свободное падение
Super Mario Bros. – Speedrun level 1–1 [370]
Sprint ring cycle
Glide data
Jump. Fly. Land // Air & Space
Prof. Dr. Herrligkoffer. The East Pillar of Nanga Parbat // The Alpine Journal (1984).
The Guestroom – Dr. Glenn Singleman and Heather Swan
Highest BASE jump: Valery Rozov breaks Guinness world record
Dean Potter. Above It All
Если верить парню из Интернета, Энди Любенски: Andy Lubien-ski. The Longbow
Осушить океаны
Если экстраполировать максимальное давление, которое выдерживает обшивка корпуса ледокола
An experimental study of critical submergence to avoid free-surface vortices at vertical intakes
Осушить океаны, часть II
D. L. Santiago et al. Mar s climate and outflow events
D. L. Santiago et al. Cloud formation and water transport on Mars after major outflow events // 43rd Planetary Science Conference (2012).
Maggie Fox. Mars May Not Have Been Warm o r Wet
Уникальные твиты
Hendrik Willem Van Loon. The Story of Mankind
epage&q&f=false Counting Characters
A Mathematical Theory of Communication
How tall can a Lego tower get?
Investigation Into the Strength of Lego Technic Beams and Pin Connections
Total value of property in London soars to £1.35 trn
Случайный чих
Cari Nieren berg. The Perils of Sneezing, ABC News. Dec. 22, 2008
Bischoff Werner E., Miche lle L. Wallis, Brian K. Tucker, Beth A. Re-boussin, Michael A. Pfaller, Frederick G. Hayden, and Robert J. Sherertz. ‘Gesundheit!’ Sneezing, Common Colds, Allergies, and Staphylococcus aureus Dispersion // J Infect Dis. (2006), 194 (8). P. 1 119–1126. doi:10.1086/507908.
Annual Rates of Lightning Fatalities by Country
Расширяющаяся Земля
Wu, X., X. Collilieux, Z. Altamimi, B. L. A. Vermeersen, R. S. Gross, and I. Fukumori. Accuracy of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame origin and Earth expansion, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38,
L13304. 2011. doi:10.1029/2011GL047450: In conclusion, no statistically significant present expansion rate is detected by our study within the current measurement uncertainty of 0.2 mm yr-1.
Lawrence Grybosky. Thermal Expansion and Contraction


Sasselov, Dimitar D. The life of super-Earths: How the hunt for alien worlds and artificial cells will revolutionize life on our planet. New York: Basic Books, 2012.
Franz, R. M. and P. C. Schutte. Barometric hazards within the context of deep-level mining // The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Plummer, H. C. Note on the motion about an attracting centre of slowly increasing mass // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 66. P. 83
Невесомая стрела
Hunting Arrow Selection Guide: Chapter 5
USA Archery Records, 2009
Air flow around the point of an arrow
Земля без Солнца
The extreme magnetic storm of 1–2 September 1859
Tsurutani T. B. et al. Geomagnetic Storms // Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108, № A7, 1268, 2003. doi:10.1029/2002JA009504
Roger A. Pielke Jr. et al. Normalized Hurricane Damage in the United States: 1900–2005
Impacts of Federal-Aid Highway Investments Modeled by NBIAS
Time zones matter: The impact of distance and time zones on services trade
Baby Fact Sheet
The photic sneeze reflex as a risk factor to combat pilots
Burned by wild parsnip
Правки в распечатанной «Википедии»
Wikipedia as a Printed Book // BrandNew
ToolServer: Edit rate
Закат над Британской империей
Eddie Izzard. Do you have a flag?
This Sceptred Isle: Empire. A 90 part history of the British Empire
A Guide to the British Overseas Territories
William Prochanu and Laura Parker. Trouble in Paradise // Vanity Fair. January 2008.
Long History of Child Abuse Haunts Island ‘Paradise’
JavaScript Solar Eclipse Explorer
Помешивая чай
Brawn Mixer, Inc., Principles of Fluid Mixing. 2003
Cooling a cup of coffee with help of a spoon
Все молнии мира
Introduction to Lightning Safety // National Weather Service, Wilmington, Ohio
Bürgesser Rodrigo E., Maria G. Nicora, and Eldo E. Ávila. Characterization of the lightning activity of Relámpago del Catatumbo // Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2011
Самый одинокий человек
BBC Future взяло интервью у Эла Уолдена (April 2, 2013)
Капля дождя
SSMI/SSMIS/TMI-derive d Total Precipitable Water-North Atlantic
Structure of Florida Thunderstorm s Using High-Altitude Aircraft Radiometer and Radar
Экзамен наугад
Cooper, Mary Ann, MD. Disability, Not Death Is the Main Problem with Lightning Injury
2008 Lightning Fatalities // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Нейтронная пуля
Influence of Small Arms Bullet Construction on Terminal Ballistics
McCall, Benjamin. Q & A: Neutron Star Densities // University of Illinois



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