Barrie Fleet, Simplicius on Aristotle «Physics 2» (Duckworth, London, 1997), 291.23–292.29, рр. 47–48.
Цит. по: Duhem, To Save the Phenomena, pp. 20–21.
Там же.
См.: S. Weinberg, Can Science Explain Everything? Anything? in New York Review of Books 48, 9 (31 мая, 2001): 47–50. Reprint: Australian Review (2001); in Portuguese, Folha da S. Paolo (2001); in French, La Recherche (2001); The Best American Science Writing, ed. M. Ridley and A. Lightman (HarperCollins, New York, 2002); The Norton Reader (W. W. Norton, New York, December 2003); Explanations – Styles of Explanation in Science, ed. John Cornwell (Oxford University Press, London, 2004), 23–38; in Hungarian, Akadeemia 176, No. 8: 1734–1749 (2005); S. Weinberg, Lake Views – This World and the Universe (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2009).