Книга: Важные годы. Почему не стоит откладывать жизнь на потом
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См. J. Lehnart, F. J. Neyer, J. Eccles. “Long-Term Effects of Social Investment: The Case of Partnering in Young Adulthood” / Journal of Personality 78 (2010): 639–670; F. J. Neyer, J. Lehnartю “Relationships Matter in Personality Development: Evidence From an 8-Year Longitudinal Study Across Young Adulthood” / Journal of Personality 75 (2007): 535–568; B. W. Roberts, K. E. Walton, W. Viechtbauer. “Patterns of Mean-Level Change in Personality Traits Across the Life Course”; F. J. Neyer, J. B. Asendorpf. “Personality-Relationship Transaction in Young Adulthood” / Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81 (2001): 1190–1204.
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