Книга: Человеку свойственно продавать. Удивительная правда о том, как побуждать других к действию
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“Wordy Goods,” Economist, August 22, 2012, доступно на


Maurice Saatchi, “The Strange Death of Modern Advertising,” Financial Times, June 22, 2006.




Robert E. Burnkrant and Daniel J. Howard, “Effects of the Use of Introductory Rhetorical Questions Versus Statements on Information Processing,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 47, no. 6 (December 1984): 1218–30. Похожие результаты см. в: Richard E. Petty, John T. Cacioppo, and Martin Heesacker, “Effects of Rhetorical Questions on Persuasion: A Cognitive Response Analysis,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 40, no. 3 (March 1981): 432–40. О роли задающего вопросы см.: Rohini Ahluwalia and Robert E. Burnkrant, “Answering Questions About Questions: A Persuasion Knowledge Perspective for Understanding the Effects of Rhetorical Questions,” Journal of Consumer Research 31 (June 2004 г.): 26–42.
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