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Gino Francesca, Michael I. Norton and Dan Ariely. The Counterfeit Self: The Deceptive Costs of Faking It, Psychological Science 21 (2010). P. 712–720.
Глава 1
Gino Francesca. Do We Listen to Advice Just Because We Paid for It? The Impact of Advice Cost on Its Use, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 107 (2008). P. 234–245.
Gino Francesca and Don A. Moore. Effects of Task Difficulty on Use of Advice//Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 20. 2007. P. 21–35.
Tost Leigh Plunkett, Francesca Gino and Richard P. Larrick. Power, Competitiveness, and Advice Taking: Why the Powerful Don’t Listen. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 117. 2012. P. 53–65.


Дополнительное чтение:
Arkes Hal R., Catherine Blumer. The Psychology of Sunk Cost, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 35. 1985. P. 124–140.
Moore Don A., Tai Gyu Kim. Myopic Social Prediction and the Solo Comparison Effect//Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 85. 2003. 1121–1135.
Yaniv Ilan, Eli Kleinberger. Advice Taking in Decision Making: Egocentric Discounting and Reputation Formation, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 83. 2000. 26. P. 281.
Глава 2
Gino Francesca, Alison Wood Brooks, Maurice E. Schweitzer. Anxiety, Advice, and the Ability to Discern: Feeling Anxious Motivates Individuals to Seek and Use Advice//Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology. 102. 2012. P. 497–512.
Gino Francesca, Maurice E. Schweitze. Blinded by Anger or Feeling the Love: How Emotions Influence Advice Taking//Journal of Applied Psychology. 93. 2008. P. 1165–1173.
Gino Francesca, Maurice E. Schweitzer. Seeing and Believing: How Expressed Emotions Influence Trust and Advice Taking. 2011.
Grant Adam M., Francesca Gino. A Little Thanks Goes a Long Way: Explaining Why Gratitude Expressions Motivate Prosocial Behavior// Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 98. 2010. P. 946–955.


Дополнительное чтение:
Mattes Kyle, Michael Spezio, Hackjin Kim, Alexander Todorov, Ralph Adolphs, R. Michael Alvarez. Predicting Election Outcomes from Positive and Negative Trait Assessments of Candidate Images//Political Psychology. 31. 2010. P. 41–58.
Schwarz Norbert, Gerald L. Clore. Mood, Misattribution, and Judgments of Well-Being: Informative and Directive Functions of Affective States// Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 45. 1983. P. 513–523.
Wiltermuth Scott S., Larissa Z. Tiedens Incidental Anger and the Desire to Evaluate. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 116. 2011. P. 55–65.
Глава 3
Gino Francesca, Max H. Bazerman. When Misconduct Goes Unnoticed: The Acceptability of Gradual Erosion in Others’ Unethical Behavior//Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 45. 2009. P. 708–719.
Gino Francesca, Don A. Moore. Why. Negotiators Should Reveal Their Deadlines: Disclosing Weaknesses Can Make You Stronger//Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 1. 2008a. P. 77–96.
Gino Francesca, Don A. Moore. Using Final Deadlines Strategically in Negotiation//Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 1. 2008b. P. 371–389.


Дополнительное чтение:
Kruger Justin, Nicholas Epley, Jason Parker, Zhi-Wen Ng. Egocentrism Over E-Mail: Can We Communicate as Well as We Think?//Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 89. 2005. P. 925–936.
Глава 4
Brooks Alison Wood, Francesca Gino, Maurice E. Schweitzer. Smart People Ask for (My) Advice: The Surprising Benefits of Advice Seeking. (готовится к публикации).
Cavanaugh Lisa A., Francesca Gino, Gavan J. Fitzsimons Mirror… Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Greenest Giver of Them All? Understanding When and Why Men and Women Gift Ethically Made Products//Paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2009. P. 22–25.
Cavanaugh, Lisa A., Francesca Gino, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons. When Going Good Is Bad for You: Effects of Socially Responsible Gifts on Recipients’ Appreciation (готовится к публикации), 2011.
Gino Francesca, Francis J. Flynn Give. Them What They Want: The Benefits of Explicitness in Gift Exchange//Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 47. 2011. P. 915–922.


Дополнительное чтение:
Gilovich Thomas, Kenneth Savitsky, Victoria Husted Medvec. The Illusion of Transparency: Biased Assessments of Others’ Ability to Read Our Emotional States//Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 75. 1993. P. 332–346.
Hass R. Glen. Perspective Taking and Self-Awareness: Drawing an E on Your Forehead. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 46. 1984. P. 788–798.
Глава 5
Gino Francesca, Shahar Ayal, Dan Ariely. Contagion and Differentiation in Unethical Behavior: The Effect of One Bad Apple on the Barrel, Psychological Science. 20. 2009. P. 393–398.
Gino Francesca, Adam D. Galinsky. Vicarious Dishonesty: When Psychological Closeness Creates Distance from One’s Moral Compass, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 119. 2012. P. 1326.
Gino Francesca, Jun Gu, Chen-Bo Zhong. Contagion or Restitution? When Bad Apples Can Motivate Ethical Behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 45. 2009. P. 1299–1302.


Дополнительное чтение:
Cialdini Robert B., Noah J. Goldstein. Social Influence: Compliance and Conformity, Annual Review of Psychology. 55. 2004. P. 591–621.
Griskevicius Vladas, Robert B. Cialdini, Noah J. Goldstein. Peer Influence: An Underestimated and Underemployed Lever for Change, Sloan Management Review. 49. 2008. P. 84–88.
Глава 6
Gino Francesca, Lamar Pierce. Dishonesty in the Name of Equity// Psychological Science 20. 2009. P. 1153–1160.
Gino Francesca, Lamar Pierce. Robin Hood Under the Hood: Wealth-Based Discrimination in Illicit Customer Help, Organization Science. 21. 2010. P. 1174–1194.
Gino Francesca, Lamar Pierce. Lying to Level the Playing Field: Why People May Dishonestly Help or Hurt Others to Create Equity, In «Regulating Ethical Failures: Insights from Psychology», special issue// Journal of Business Ethics. 95. 2010. P. 89–103.
Gino Francesca, Bradley R. Staats. Driven by Social Comparisons: How Feedback About Coworkers’ Effort Influences Individual Productivity (готовится к публикации). 2011.


Дополнительное чтение:
Garcia Stephen M., Hyunjin Song, Abraham Tesser. Tainted Recommendations: The Social Comparison Bias. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 113. 2010. P. 97–101.
Larkin Ian, Lamar Pierce, Francesca Gino. The Psychological Costs of Pay-for-Performance: Implications for the Strategic Compensation of Employees//Strategic Management Journal. 33. 2012. P. 1194–1214.
Глава 7
Gino Francesca, Max H. Bazerman. When Misconduct Goes Unnoticed: The Acceptability of Gradual Erosion in Others’ Unethical Behavior// Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 45. 2009. P. 708–719.
Gino Francesca, Don A. Moore, Max H. Bazerman See No Evil: When We Overlook Other People’s Unethical Behavior//In Social Decision Making: Social Dilemmas, Social Values, and Ethical Judgments, edited by Roderick M. Kramer, Ann E. Tenbrunsel and Max H. Bazerman. P. 241–263. New York: Psychology Press, 2009.
Gino Francesca, Don A. Moore, Max H. Bazerman. No Harm, No Foul: The Outcome Bias in Ethical Judgments (готовится к публикации). 2012.
Gino, Francesca, Lisa L. Shu, Max H. Bazerman. Nameless + Harmless = Blameless: When Seemingly Irrelevant Factors Influence Judgment of (Un)ethical Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 111. 2012. P. 102–115.
Moore Don A., Samuel A. Swift, Zachariah S. Sharek, Francesca Gino. Correspondence Bias in Performance Evaluation: Why Grade Inflation Works//Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 36. 2010. P. 843–852.


Дополнительное чтение:
Chinander Karen R., Maurice E. Schweitzer. The Input Bias: The Misuse of Input Information in Judgments of Outcomes, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 91. 2003. P. 243–253.
Глава 8
Cable, Dan, Francesca Gino, Brad Staats. Breaking Them In or Revealing Their Best? Reframing Socialization Around Newcomers, Self-Expression (готовится к публикации). 2012.
Wiltermuth, Scott S., Francesca Gino “I’ll Have One of Each”: How Separating Rewards into (Meaningless) Categories Increases Motivation// Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 109. 2012. P. 15197–15200.


Дополнительное чтение:
Tversky Amos, Daniel Kahneman. The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice. Science. 211. 1981. P. 453–458.
Глава 9
Chance Zoe, Michael I. Norton, Francesca Gino, Dan Ariely. Temporal View of the Costs and Benefits of Self-Deception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108. 2011. P. 15655–15659.
Gino Francesca, Lamar Pierce. The Abundance Effect: Unethical Behavior in the Presence of Wealth. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 109. 2009. P. 142–155.
Piovesan Marco, Natalia Montinari, Francesca Gino, Michael I. Norton. Usage of the Veil of Fairness Develops Over Childhood (готовится к публикации. 2011.
Shu Lisa L., Nina Mazar, Francesca Gino, Dan Ariely, Max H. Bazerman. Signing at the Beginning Makes Ethics Salient and Decreases Dishonest Self-Reports in Comparison to Signing at the End, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (готовится к публикации).
Zhong, Chen-Bo, Vanessa K. Bohns, Francesca Gino. Good Lamps Are the Best Police: Darkness Increases Dishonesty and Self-Interested Behavior// Psychological Science. 21. 2009. P. 311–314.


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