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Bouten CV, Verboeket-van de Venne WP, Westerterp KR, Verduin M, Janssen JD. Daily physical activity assessment: comparison between movement registration and doubly labeled water. Journal of Applied Physiology 1996;81:1019-26. Westerterp KR, Bouten CV. Physical activity assessment: comparison between movement registration and doubly labeled water method. Zeitschrift fur Ernahrungswissenschaft 1997;36:263-7. Bouten CV, Koekkoek KT, Verduin M, Kodde R, Janssen JD. A triaxial accelerometer and portable data processing unit for the assessment of daily physical activity. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 1997;44:136-47. Bouten CV, Sauren AA, Verduin M, Janssen JD. Effects of placement and orientation of body-fixed accelerometers on the assessment of energy expenditure during walking. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 1997;35:50-6. Westerterp KR, Verboeket-van de Venne WP, Bouten CV, de Graaf C, van het Hof KH, Weststrate JA. Energy expenditure and physical activity in subjects consuming full-or reduced-fat products as part of their normal diet. British Journal of Nutrition 1996;76:785-95. Bouten CV, van Marken Lichtenbelt WD, Westerterp KR. Body mass index and daily physical activity in anorexia nervosa. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1996;28:967-73. Pannemans DL, Bouten CV, Westerterp KR. 24 h energy expenditure during a standardized activity protocol in young and elderly men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1995;49:49–56. Bouten CV, Westerterp KR, Verduin M, Janssen JD. Assessment of energy expenditure for physical activity using a triaxial accelerometer. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1994;26:1516-23. Bouten CVC. Asssessment of daily physical activity by registration of body movement. PhD thesis, Einhoven University of Technology 1995.
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