Книга: Геном: автобиография вида в 23 главах
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Searle G. R. 1979. Eugenics and politics in Britain in the 1930s. Annals of Political Science 36: 159–169.


Kitcher P. 1996. The lives to come. Simon and Shuster, New York.


Цитата из интервью для Sunday Telegraph, 8 февраля 1997 года.


Lynn R. 1996. Dysgenics: genetic deterioration in modern populations. Praeger, Westport, Connecticut.


Morton N. 1998. Hippocratic or hypocritic: Birth pangs of an ethical code. Nature Genetics 18:18;
Coghlan A. 1998. Perfect people’s republic. New Scientist, 24 October 1998, p. 24.
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