Книга: Геном: автобиография вида в 23 главах
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Hamilton W. D. 1995. Narrow roads of gene land. Vol. 1. W. H. Freeman, Basingstoke.


Пример взят из статьи Susan Blackmore. 1997. The power of the meme meme. Skeptic Vol. 5, № 2, p. 45.


Kazazian H. H., Moran J. V. 1998. The impact of L1 retrotransposones on the human genome. Nature Genetics 19: 19–24.


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Doolittle W. F., Sapienza C. 1980. Selfish genes, the phenotype paradigm and genome evolution. Nature 284: 601–603;
Orgel I. E., Crick F. H. C. 1980. Selfish DNA: the ultimate parasite. Nature 284: 604–607.
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