Книга: Рождение сложности. Эволюционная биология сегодня: неожиданные открытия и новые вопросы
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Jason B. Wolf, Reinmar Hager. A Maternal-Offspring Coadaptation Theory for the Evolution of Genomic Imprinting // PLoS Biology, 2006. 4(12).


Alekseev, Lampert. Maternal control of resting-egg production in Daphnia // Nature. 2001. V. 414. P. 899–901.


Minoo Rassoulzadegan et al. RNA-mediated non-mendelian inheritance of an epigenetic change in the mouse // Nature. 2006. V. 441. P. 469–474.


Christopher J. Hale, Jennifer L. Stonaker, Stephen M. Gross, Jay B. Hollick. A Novel Snf2 Protein Maintains trans-Generational Regulatory States Established by Paramutation in Maize // PLoS Biology. 2007. 5(10): e275.
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