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Я прилагаю короткую библиографию для читателей, желающих побольше узнать о семье Биго, ее жизни и времени. Это лишь основные работы, а вовсе не исчерпывающий список.


Appleby, John Т., England Without Richard (Bell, 1967).
Atkin, Susan A. J., The Bigod Family: An Investigation into Their Lands and Activities 1066–1306 (University of Reading, published on demand by the British Library Thesis Service).
Brakelond, Jocelin of, Chronicle of the Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds (Oxford University Press, 1998, ISBN 0 19 283895 4).
Brown, Morag, Framlingham Castle (English Heritage, ISBN 1 85074 853 5).
Brown, R. Allen, Castles, Conquests and Charters: Collected Papers (Boydell, 1989, ISBN 0 85115 524 3).
Brown, R. Allen, «Framlingham Castle and Bigod 1154–1216» (Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, XXV, 1951).
Eyton, Revd R. W., Court, Itinerary and Household of Henry (Taylor & Co., 1893).
The Feet of Fines of the Seventh and Eighth Years of King Richard I (The Pipe Roll Society, 1896).
Gillingham, John, Richard I (Yale University Press, 2002, ISBN 0 300 09404 3).
Gravett, Christopher and Adam Hook, Norman Stone Castles: The British Isles 1066–1216 (Osprey, 2003, ISBN 1 84176 602 X).
The Great Roll of the Pipe for the Ninth Year of the Reign of King Richard I Michaelmas 1197, ed. by Doris M. Stenton (The Pipe Roll Society, 1931).
Green, Monica H., The Trotula: An English Translation of the Medieval Compendium of Women's Medicine (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002, ISBN 978 0 8122 1808 4).
Harper-Bill, Christopher, ed., Anglo Norman Studies XVII: Proceedings of The Battle Conference 1994 (Boydell, 1995, ISBN 0 85115 606 1).
King, Alison, Akashic Records Consultant.
Landsberg, Sylvia, The Medieval Garden (British Museum Press, 1995, ISBN 0 7171 2080 4).
Morris, Marc, The Bigod Earls of Norfolk in the Thirteenth Century (Boydell, 2005, ISBN 1843831643).
Sancha, Sheila, The Castle Story (Collins, 1993, ISBN 0 00 184177 7).
Stenton, Doris M., English Justice between the Norman Conquest and the Great Charter 1066–1215 (George Allen & Unwin, 1963).
The Treatise on the Laws and Customs of the Realm of England Commonly Called Glanvill, ed. and trans, by G. D. G. Hall (Oxford Medieval Texts, Clarendon Press, 1993, ISBN 0 19 822179 7).
Tyerman, Christopher, Who's Who in Early Medieval England (Shepheard Walwyn, 1996, ISBN 0 85683 132 8).
Warren, W. L., Henry II (Eyre Methuen, 1977, ISBN 0 413 38390 3).


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