Книга: Коучинг. Как превратить сознательное в бессознательное в работе коуча
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Список литературы и онлайн-ресурсов

Association for Coaching (2012) (accessed 10 April 2013) AC Competency Framework,
Association for Coaching (2013) (accessed 10 April 2013) AC Coach and Executive Coach Accreditation scheme overview,
Association for Coaching (accessed 10 April 2013) Code of Ethics and Best Practice,
Association for Coaching (accessed 14 July 2013) What is Co Coaching?
Bachkirova, T (2013) 3rd International Conference on Coaching Supervision
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CIPD (2010) (accessed 14 July 2013) SWOT analysis. Resource summary,
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Flaherty, J (2005) Coaching Evoking Excellence in Other, 2nd edn, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (there is now a 3rd edn)
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