Книга: Английский детектив. Лучшее
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«В Ирландии не водятся змеи» by Frederick Forsyth. Copyright © 1982 by Frederick Forsyth. Reprinted on behalf of Carole Cunningham by permission of the author and his agents, Curtis Brown Group Ltd, London.
«Смерть в эфире» by Ngaio Marsh. Copyright © 1947 by American Mercury, Inc. Copyright renewed 1975 by Ngaio Marsh. Reprinted by permission of the agent for the author’s Estate, Harold Ober Associates, Inc., and Harper Collins Publishers, Ltd.
«Утреннее телевидение» by Robert Barnard. Copyright © 1987 by Robert Barnard. Reprinted by permission of the author and his agent, Jane Gregory.
«Запретная смерть» by Simon Brett. Copyright © 1988 by Simon Brett. Reprinted by permission of the author and his agent, Michael Motley, Ltd.
«Африканские древесные бобры» by Michael Gilbert. Copyright © 1982 by Michael Gilbert. Reprinted by permission of the author and his agents, Curtis Brown, Ltd.
«Желаю приятно умереть» by Antonia Fraser. Copyright © 1983 by Antonia Fraser. Reprinted by permission of the author.
«Честный шантажист» by Patricia Moyes. Copyright © 1982 by Patricia Moyes. Reprinted by permission of the author and her agents, the Curtis Brown Group Ltd., London.
«Самое страшное преступление в мире» by Reginald Hill. Copyright © 1984 by Reginald Hill. Reprinted by permission of the author and his agent, A. P. Watt, Ltd.
«Дживс и похищенная Венера» by P. G. Wodehouse. Copyright © 1959 by Davis Publications. Inc. Reprinted by permission of the agent for the author’s Estate, the Scott Meredith Literary Agency.
«Полицейский и призрак» by Dorothy L. Sayers. Copyright © 1938 by Dorothy L. Sayers, Reprinted by permission of the agent for the author’s Estate, David Higham Associates. Ltd.
«Самый обычный шантаж» by A. A. Milne. Copyright © 1948 by A. A. Milne, renewed by the Estate of C. R. Milne. Reprinted by permission of the agent for the authors Estate, Curtis Brown Limited, London.
«Случайная удача» by Liza Cody. Copyright © 1991 by Liza Cody. Reprinted by permission of the author.
«Oca» by Peter Lovesey. Copyright © 1988 by Peter Lovesey. Reprinted by permission of the author and his agent, Jane Gelfman.
«В поисках Тельмы» by Gillian Slovo. Copyright © 1991 by Gillian Slovo. Reprinted by permission of the author and her agents, A. P. Watt, Ltd.
«Этюд в белых тонах» by Nicholas Blake. Copyright © 1949 by Nicholas Blake. Reprinted by permission of The Peters Fraser and Dunlop Group Limited on behalf of the Estate of C. D. Lewis.
«Рыжий парик» by John Dickson Carr. Copyright © 1940 by John Dickson Carr. Reprinted by permission of the agent for the author’s Estate, Harold Ober Associates.
«Галстук Вудро Вильсона» by Patricia Highsmith. Copyright © 1993 by Diogenes Verlag AG Zurich. Reprinted by permission of the agent for the author’s Estate, Diogenes Verlag AG Zurich. All rights reserved.
«Нечего терять» by Frances Fyfield. Copyright © 1996 by Frances Fyfield. Reprinted by permission of the author and her agents, Rogers, Coleridge & White, Ltd.
«Отравленный персик» by Gillian Linscott. Copyright © 1997 by Gillian Linscott. Reprinted by permission of the author and her agents, David Higham Associates, Ltd.
«Четверо подозреваемых» by Agatha Christie. Copyright © 1932 by Agatha Christie Mallowan, Copyright renewed 1946 by Agatha Christie Mallowan. Copyright © 1974 by Agatha Christie Ltd. Reprinted by permission of Harold Ober Associates and Aitken & Stone, Ltd.
«Две бутылки соуса» by Lord Dunsany. Copyright © 1936 by Lord Dunsany. Reprinted by permission of the agent for the author, Curtis Brown, Ltd., on behalf of the Estate of Lord Dunsany.
«Две дамы из Розового коттеджа» by Peter Robinson. Copyright © 1997 by Peter Robinson. Reprinted by permission of the author.
«Глаза короля Оффы» by Jonathan Gash. Copyright © 1979 by Jonathan Gash. Reprinted by permission of the author.
«Однажды утром его повесят» by Margery Allingham. Conyright, © 1969 by P & M Youngman Carter, Ltd. Reprinted by permission of the agent for the author’s Estate, P & M Youngman Carter, Ltd.
«Охотник вернулся домой» by Catherine Aird. Copyright © 1994 by Catherine Aird. Reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Press, LLC.
«Семейное дело» by Michael Z. Lewin. Copyright © 1994 by Michael Z. Lewin. Reprinted by permission of the author and his agents, the Wallace Literary Agency, Inc.
«Правосудие в моих руках» by Elizabeth Ferrars. Copyright © 1988 by Elizabeth Ferrars. Reprinted by permission of the author and her agents, David Higham Associates, Ltd.
«Источник зла» by Ruth Rendell. Copyright © 1977 by Kingsmarkham Enterprises. Reprinted by permission of the author.
«Осьминожка» by Ian Fleming. Copyright © 1963 by Ian Fleming. Reprinted by permission of the agent for the author’s Estate, Glidrose Productions, Ltd., London.
«Герои» by Anne Perry. Copyright © 1999 by Anne Perry. Reprinted by permission of the author.


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