Книга: Упрямый Галилей
Назад: 1740
Дальше: 1744


Дудник С.И., Солонин Ю.Н. Декарт и картезианство в новой парадигме рационализма… С. 157.


Катасонов В.Н. Методизм и прозрения… С. 94.


«In Santa Croce’s holy precincts lie
Ashes which make it holier, dust which is
Even in itself an immortality,
Though there were nothing save the past, and this,
The particle of those sublimities
Which have relapsed to chaos: here repose
Angelo’s, Alfier’s bones, and his,
The starry Galileo, with his woes;
Here Machiavelli’s earth returned to whence it rose».
Назад: 1740
Дальше: 1744